
Our Services :

Day Services

Aspire’s day services provide a range of opportunities for over 500 people with a learning disability to lead fulfilling lives by engaging in healthy, safe and meaningful daytime activities. People attend between one and five days per week depending upon their assessed needs. Just over half of the people who use our day services live at home.

We deliver our day services from three specialist buildings and 18 community bases across Leeds, many located in facilities such as libraries, sports centres and other community hubs. We also run a cafe in Middleton Park and a gardening project. By working at the heart of communities, we maximise opportunities for social inclusion and deliver support to people in the localities where they live, wherever possible.

Not only do we support people to have better lives through our own directly provided services, we also have partnerships and fund other community, voluntary and faith organisations to ensure a wide variety of activities and opportunities are available.

Aspire Day Services