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Carers Survey

Each year we undertake surveys of the people who use our service, their family/
carers, staff and a wide range of other stakeholders.

To complete the survey online, you need to go to:

Again this year the focus of the survey is on our performance during the Coronavirus Pandemic and our support to you and your loved one

This questionnaire is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and comments with us.

We understand that it can be a chore completing questionnaires but would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this short survey. The feedback we receive from you is invaluable; it enables us to check the quality and effectiveness of the service we provide which is especially important during these challenging times.  It also helps us to identify any areas where we could make improvements to enhance the lives of the people we support.

Whether completing the online form or the paper form, the closing date for completion is Thursday, 30th September 2021.

If you have any questions, or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me on the telephone number given above.

Thank you in anticipation of your taking the time to complete the questionnaire.