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Covid-19 Information for Partner Organisations


25.03.2020 – From today businesses will be able to apply for a 3 month extension for filing their accounts with Companies House.

Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund:
01.10.2020 – Guidance published setting out the infection control measures that the new Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund: round 2 will support.

09.11.2020 – The ASC Infection Control Fund guidance updated. Annex E: local authority reporting template: reporting point 1 – October 2020 spending updated to correct cell validation rules in the spreadsheet.

07.01.2021 – The ASC Infection Control Fund: round 2 guidance updated ‘providers should ensure that staff who need to attend work or another location for the purposes of being vaccinated or tested for COVID-19 are paid their usual wages to do so, and any costs associated with reaching a vaccination or testing facility.

19.02.2021 – The ASC Infection Control Fund: round 2 guidance updated with the addition of a paragraph: “On 19 February 2021, the Department clarified that funding under this allocation could be used for reasonable administrative costs associated with (1) organising and recording the outcomes of COVID-19 tests and (2) organising COVID-19 vaccinations, where these were not being supported by other government funding streams.  The decision to allow claims against the fund for these purposes would remain a choice for local authorities and no additional funding is being provided for these purposes.”

17.03.2021 – The ASC Infection Control Fund: round 2 guidance updated: Updated Annex E local authority reporting template, reporting point 5 – October 2020 to February 2021 spending.

29.03.2021 – The Adult Social Care Infection Control and Testing Fund sets out the measures that the new Infection Control and Testing Fund will support, including distribution of funds, conditions on funds and reporting requirements.

08.04.2021 – The Adult Social Care Infection Control and Testing Fund guidance updated with addition of a paragraph to ‘Annex D: assurance statement’ on spent and unspent or recouped funds plus updated ‘Annex E: local authority reporting template: reporting point 6 – October 2020 to March 2021 spending’ attachment.

15.06.2021 – The Adult Social Care Infection Control and Testing Fund guidance updated with a note outlining that the fund is now closed and that the guidance is being left as reference.

15.06.2021 – The Adult Social Care Infection Control and Testing Fund guidance updated with a note outlining that the fund is now closed and that the guidance is being left as reference.

02.07.2021 – Adult social care extension to Infection Control and Testing Fund 2021 published setting out the measures that the extension to the Infection Control and Testing Fund supports, including distribution of funds, conditions and reporting requirements. We’ve extended the fund until 30 September 2021.

12.07.2021 – Adult social care extension to Infection Control and Testing Fund 2021 guidance updated to explicitly include the costs of PCR testing in the discretionary testing allocation.

Bounce Back Loan:
02.11.2020 – The BBLS enables smaller businesses to access finance more quickly during the coronavirus outbreak.  The Bounce Back Loan Scheme is open to applications until 30 November 2020.

Building a Stronger Britain:
17.03.2021 – Funding has recently been secured from the Home Office through the Building a Stronger Britain Together programme to enable Leeds City Council to run three training sessions on Tackling Misunderstandings about Muslim Communities.  The sessions are aimed at frontline staff that work directly with diverse communities and you can find out more information with dates and times of the sessions.

Business Advisers:
The government has launched a new, free, scheme to access expert professional and business services advisers.  It’s aimed at ‘small businesses’ so we don’t know if it is available to small charities, but may be worth taking a look.

Business Support:
31.03.2020 – The government has published guidance for business support.

07.04.2020 – The business support guidance has had links to YouTube videos added about the support available to help businesses run through the coronavirus pandemic.

The business support guidance is regularly updated with links to YouTube videos about numerous schemes including the Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme, Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. The guidance also includes the new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 which received Royal Assent on 25th June.

Cancellation Policies – Contracts & Refunds:
A position statement has been issued by the Competition and Marketing Authority which basically asks that companies play fair. Paying by credit card may offer some level of protection.

Care Homes:
The government has published details of an extra £600m support for care homes accompanied by a letter from the Minister of State for Care.

City Connect:
City Connect is offering grants of up to £5k to organisations to encourage employees to cycle.  The grants can be used for things such as secure cycle storage, pool bikes and to put towards better show and change facilities.  The grants are open to third sector organisations as well as businesses.  Lead for the scheme is if you have any specific queries from organisations who wish to apply.

Connecting People During Covid:19
13.01.2021 – Micro grants available for organisations supporting people with learning disability and autism.  Option 1 funding of up to £500 for immediate activity to support the promotion of positive Covid messaging.  Option 2 funding of up to £1,500 to release capacity within the organisation for continued engagement.

Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme:
02.11.2020 – The CBILS provides financial support to smaller businesses affected by Covid-19.  The Scheme will close to applications after 30 November 2020.

Coronavirus Community Support Fund:
13.11.2020 – Over 800 small and medium charities across England get a share of £200m emergency funding.

Coronavirus Response Fund:
16.06.2020 – Social & Community Capital will launch its £1m Coronavirus Response Fund on 22nd June offering grants from £5,000 – £50,000.  The grants are for social enterprises across the UK that employ people from vulnerable or disadvantaged groups.  To be eligible organisations must have an annual turnover between £50,000 and £1m and must generate at least 30% of their revenue from trading activities. Applications close at midday on Monday, 29th June.

Direct Payments:
21.04.2020 – The government published Coronavirus: guidance for people receiving direct payments which confirms that the Job Retention Scheme can be used by Direct Payment holders who employ people for their care.

10.06.2020 – The Direct Payments guidance updated to include accessible information and other changes:

  • Q&A for people receiving a personal budget or personal health budget updated and renamed ‘Using direct payments during the coronavirus outbreak: full guidance for people receiving direct payments and personal assistants
  • addition of case studies
  • new sections on PPE, testing and the flexible use of direct payments
  • new documents added: ‘Guidance for commissioners, people receiving direct payments and care providers (easy read)’ and ‘Using direct payments during the coronavirus outbreak: the most important things to know’
  • renamed the document ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for people receiving direct payments’ to ‘Guidance for commissioners, people receiving direct payments and care providers’

01.07.2020 – The Direct Payments guidance updated; information was added to the HTML publication about keeping a temporary record of the shift patterns of PAs for 21 days.

10.07.2020 – The Direct Payments guidance updated: removed the paragraph ‘You should keep a temporary record of the shift patterns of your PAs for 21 days.  If NHS Test and Trace ask for this data, you should provide it to them.  This could help contain clusters or outbreaks.’ from ‘Using direct payments during the coronavirus outbreak: full guidance for people receiving direct payments and personal assistants’.

18.11.2020 – The Direct Payments guidance updated: attachments ‘Using direct payments during the coronavirus outbreak: full guidance for people receiving direct payments and personal assistants’ and easy read, and ‘Using direct payments during the coronavirus outbreak: the most important things to know’ updated to reflect current national policy and sections on mental health support, accessing the winter flu vaccination and testing added.

Disabled People’s Organisations Covid-19 Emergency Fund:
29.09.2020 – An online funding session to support Leeds based organisations to apply to the Fund.  The session will be hosted by Joyce Anderson from Equality together.  It will take place from 1:30-3:00pm and is FREE for Leeds based groups.  As well as going through criteria and tips for applying, it will be a good opportunity to meet with Joyce and ask any questions groups may have.

Financial Support for Businesses:
27.10.2020 – Find out what Financial support for businesses during coronavirus you can get for your business.

Funding for Councils:
30.03.2020 – Guidance published on Coronavirus: emergency funding for local government.

28.04.2020 – The Coronavirus: emergency funding for local government guidance updated with the allocation of a further £1.6bn announced on 18 April.

22.10.2020 – There is to be an allocation of £1 billion funding for councils this winter. This was announced by the Prime Minister earlier in the month and was confirmed today by Robert Jenrick, MP. The ‘emergency funding’ guidance was updated to include allocation of a further £919 million of un-ringfenced funding to respond to spending pressures. A technical note was added on the allocation of the October Covid-19 local government finance package.

19.01.2021 – Leeds is to get £1.6 million as part of the social care sector grant announcement.  This is ‘to protect and support staff and residents in care homes and those receiving help in their own homes’.

Funding for VCSEs:
20.05.2020 – Guidance financial support for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to respond to coronavirus published. This guidance is regularly updated so that information is now all in one place, including how to apply for funds for particular types of activities.

20.07.2020 – The ‘funding for VCSEs’ updated: “The government has pledged £750 million to ensure VCSE can continue their vital work supporting the country during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, including £200 million for the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, along with an additional £150 million from dormant bank and building society accounts.”  Changes made: edited ‘Other Source of funding’ – Voluntary and Communities Sector Emergencies Partnership – £4.8 million added; and ‘Other Source of funding’ – Community Match Challenge – £85 million added.

13.07.2020 – The Social Enterprise Support Fund was launched.  This provides grants of between £10,000 and £300,000 to help social enterprises during Covid-19.

22.01.2021 – Funding deadlines updated in respect of financial support for VCSEs: Meals for Those in Need fund closed; Zoos support fund deadline extended; HMT Future fund extended; information on Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Self Employed Income Support Scheme updated.

Green Social Prescribing Grand Fund:
The Partnership is looking to fund innovative projects which help connect people to nature, improve physical and mental health and reduce health inequalities.  We are interested in projects that:

  • enable people to access nature-based activities, for example outdoor arts or education, conservation projects, walking groups, community food growing projects
  • involve creating new green spaces, for example pocket parks, spaces to grow food
  • are a combination of the two

Grants are open to voluntary, community and public sector organisations and are between £5,000 and £10,000.  Applications open on Tuesday 9 February and close on Tuesday 2 March.  More information and an application form is available on the climate change pages on the West Yorkshire and Harrogate health and Care partnership website.  You can also contact:

Health Inequalities Grant Funding:
28.04.2020 – Funding of up to £450,000 is available for voluntary and community organisations to help them tackle the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on people’s health.  How to apply can be found on the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership website. The closing date for applications is Monday, 8 June at 5pm.

Job Support Scheme:
30.10.2020 – Find out more about the Job Support Scheme announced by Chancellor, Rishi Sunak.

Job Retention Scheme (Furlough):
26.03.2020 – Find out if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.  Check how much you can claim to cover wages for employees on temporary leave (furlough) due to Covid-19.

17.04.2020 – The Job Retention Scheme guidance has been updated and there is both employer guidance and guidance for employees in line with some of the main queries received.  Whilst all the guidance has been refreshed, there is more detailed information on scheme eligibility, further information on how to calculate a claim and clarification on what constitutes wages.

12.05.2020 – The government has extended its Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme or ‘worker furlough scheme until October 2020.

08.06.2020 – the Job Retention Scheme can now include Direct Payment workers.

10.06.20 – replaced a contact phone number with a link to the page ‘Get help with the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

12.06.2020 – A lot of government updates were issued in respect of furlough guidance:

05.11.2020 – The Chancellor announces that workers across the United Kingdom will benefit from increased support with a five-month extension of the furlough scheme until 31 March 2021.

10.11.2020 – The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme guidance has been updated to reflect that the scheme is being extended. The guidance has details of how to claim for periods after 1 November 2020. 30 November 2020 is the last day employers can submit or change claims for periods ending on or before 31 October 2020.

12.11.2020 – Check which employees you can put on furlough and claim for through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The eligibility criteria has been updated to make it clearer for employees who are made redundant on or after 23 September 2020 and you have been re-employed and employees that have a fixed term contract that expired after 23 September. The dates relating to TUPE eligibility have also been corrected.

13.11.2020 – The which employees you can put on furlough guidance has been updated. Changed language to make it clear that for claim periods starting on or after 1 December 2020 you cannot claim for any days on or after 1 December 2020 during which the furloughed employee was serving a contractual or statutory notice period. Also, minor corrections to section on maternity allowance have been made.

17.12.2020 – Check if your employer can use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme guidance updated to reflect that the Job Retention Scheme has been extended to 30 April 2021.  Minor update also to mirror holiday pay guidance on other pages.

Kickstart Scheme:
02.09.2020 – There is a lot of information for employers considering getting involved in the new Kirkstart Scheme which provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit.

17.02.2021 – Kirkstart Scheme guidance updated: If you have been offered Kickstart Scheme funding you can use these resources to show your support for the scheme, with updated brand guidelines, they now include a section on brand representation and usage.

Learning Disability England:
10.08.2020 – Learning Disability England are awarding Small grants of up to £5,000 with money from the Department of Health and Social Care. The grants are available for self-advocacy and family care groups working in the field of learning disability. Closing date for submission is 12 noon on 18 September 2020.

Leeds Fund Strategic Grants – Resilience:
12.01.2021 – Grant funding available, administered by Leeds Community Found

Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund:
29.05.2020 – This fund has tight criteria but may be useful for some organisations.

Local Restrictions Support Grant:
12.11.2020 – The LRSG (for closed businesses) supports businesses that have been required to close due to the national restrictions between 5 November and 2 December 2020.  Check if you are eligible. Whilst the LRSG (for open businesses) supports businesses that have been severely impacted due to the restrictions.

Plan For Jobs:
22-10-2020 – The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced a package of financial support for businesses and workers.  The government announced it will significantly increase the generosity and reach of its winter support schemes to ensure livelihoods and jobs across the UK continue to be protected in the difficult months to come, supporting jobs and helping to contain the virus.

06.2020 – The government issued Procurement Policy Note 04/20 which looks like it is asking for all parties to play fair to keep essential services operational as we move into the next phase, whilst keeping an eye on long-term sustainability.

25.06.2020 – Procurement Policy Note 02/20 was updated setting out information and guidance for public bodies on payment of their suppliers to ensure service continuity during and after the current coronavirus outbreak.

19.11.2020 – A statement on government procurement following the recent publication by the National Audit Office (NAO) of its report into government procurement during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Recovery Loan Scheme:
06.04.2021 – A new government-backed Recovery Loan Scheme launches today to provide additional finance to those businesses that need it.

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP):
17.04.2020 – There is guidance available on claiming back Statutory Sick Pay paid to employees due to Coronavirus (Covid-19). HMRC are offering free webinars on the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Scheme providing an overview of the scheme covering who can claim, when to start paying SSP, employees you can claim for, making a claim, keeping records and more.

16.09.2020 – If you’re an employer, find out if you can use the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme to claim back employees’ coronavirus-related Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).  From 26 August 2020 you can claim for employees who have been notified by the NHS to self-isolate before surgery.

28.10.2020 – The Statutory Sick Pay guidance has been updated so employers can ask employees for a ‘shielding note’ or a letter from their doctor or health authority advising them to shield because they are at high risk of severe illness from coronavirus.

10.11.2020 – The Statutory Sick Pay guidance has been updated for employees who have been advised by letter to shield because they are clinically extremely vulnerable.

Supporting Older People During Covid:
12.01.2021 – Grant funding available from Leeds City Council Public Health and administered by Leeds Older People’s Forum as a partner of Forum Central.

26.03.2020 – A temporary deferral was announced regarding VAT payments due between 20 March and 30 June 2020 to help businesses manage their cash flow.

30.04.2020 – The Treasury has suspended VAT on the purchase of PPE for 3 months, starting 1st May 2020.

18.06.2020 – The VAT payments guidance updated with information regarding the ending of the VAT deferral period.

25.09.2020 – The VAT payments guidance has been updated to reflect an announcement by the Chancellor on 24th September about the option to pay smaller VAT payments over a longer period of time.

09.02.2021 – Find out how to pay VAT payments deferred between 20 March and 30 June 2020.  You can pay now or get ready to join the VAT deferral new payment scheme – the online service is open between 23 February and 21 June 2021.

Welcome Back Fund:
16.04.2021 – Guidance published to help local authorities and partners to deliver activities supported through the Welcome Back Fund.  This funding builds on the Reopening High Streets Safely Fund announced in May 2020.

06.08.2021 – Versions 3 of the FAQ and guidance for the Welcome Back Fund have been added.

Workforce Capacity Fund for Adult Social Care:
29.01.2021 – Information for local authorities and adult social care providers on the £120 million Workforce Capacity Fund during coronavirus.

12.02.2021 – Workforce Capacity Fund for adult social care updated: in the ‘Purpose’ section to make it clearer how local authorities can use the fund.

23.02.2021 – Workforce Capacity Fund for adult social care updated: ‘Annex F: reporting point 2 template’ added.

06.04.2021 – Workforce Capacity Fund for adult social care updated: changed the date for reporting point 3 to 17 May 2021.


Action Plan for Social Care:
15.04.2020 – The Department of Health and Social Care has published COVID-19: adult social care action plan.  This details how the government will support the adult social care sector in England throughout the coronavirus outbreak.  The plan as four pillars:

  1. reducing the spread of infection in care homes;
  2. supporting the workforce, both to provide high quality care, and to cope with the practical and emotional demands of caring during the pandemic;
  3. supporting independence, end of life care and responding to individual needs;
  4. supporting the organisations that provide care.

14.12.2020 – Coronavirus: adult social care action plan guidance and Coronavirus: support for care homes guidance both updated with added link to latest overview of adult social care guidance.

Adults Integrated Commissioning:
11.2020 – Covid-19: Frequently Asked Questions published for adults and health commissioned learning disability day opportunity providers.

Care Act:
29.06.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): changes to the Care Act 2014 guidance updated with a note added to say that regulations to expire the Care Act easements were laid on 21 April 2021 using the draft affirmative procedure and will come into force when approved in Parliament. In the additional guidance, added a link to the TLAP Insight Group full report and removed the link to the LGA and ADASS FAQs on COVID-19 and safeguarding adults.

Care Homes:
03.03.2020 – Guidance: Restricting workforce movement between care homes and other care settings updated on retesting within 90 days of a previous positive test in the ‘further guidance on testing’ section.

05.03.2021 – Update to guidance on care home providers on limiting staff movement between settings.  Applicable to Care Homes. For information.

The guidance on this issue published 1st of March has since been updated on 3rd March.  Care home providers should continue to limit all staff movement between settings unless absolutely necessary to help reduce the spread of infection.  This includes:

  • staff who work for one provider across several care homes
  • staff who work on a part-time basis for multiple employers in multiple care homes or other care settings
  • agency or other temporary staff

The only exceptions to this are where staff movement is unavoidable in order to meet the needs of people using the service and keep them safe at all times.  The guidance clarifies how to manage the risks of deploying individuals who work in multiple settings in those exceptional circumstances where it is the only remaining mechanism to ensure enough staff are available to care for service users safely.

01.05.2021 – Press release – care home residents allowed more out-of-home low risk visits without the need to self-isolate on their return.

Care Homes – Admission:
19.06.2020 – The guidance Coronavirus: admission and care of people in care homes has been updated in line with the care homes support package announced on 15th May and the latest advice on testing and infection prevention & control.

14.08.2020 – The admission and care guidance was updated with a new section on testing people moving from the community into a care home (Annex K).

04.11.2020 – A note has been added to the admission and care guidance stating that it will be updated soon following the announcement of new restrictions coming into effect between 5 November and 2 December.

26.11.2020 – The admission and care guidance was updated to include relevant links to the guidance on the local restriction tier system that will be in place in England from 2 December.

24.12.2020 – The admission and care guidance updated with addition of link to guidance on designated settings for people discharged to a care home.  Also Coronavirus: support for care homes guidance updated in ‘Coronavirus (Covid-19): care home support package’ section to reflect current policy for how providers should access PPE.

29.01.2021 – The admission and care guidance updated: sections on ‘Testing staff and residents in care homes’ in reference to staff testing and special arrangements for people who work in the NHS, Annex B on the definition of ‘contacts’ and Annex F to reflect the extension of free PPE until the end of June 2021.

01.04.2021 – The admission and care guidance updated: added link to what you can and cannot do from 29 March 2021.

17.05.2021 – The admission and care guidance updated to add a call-out about the new COVID-19 variant of concern.

04.06.2020 – The guidance Coronavirus: admission and care of people in care homes updated to reflect the change in procedure of reporting Covid-19 cases and outbreak management in care homes.

23.06.2021 – Coronavirus: admission and care of people in care homes guidance updated to clarify that admissions into a care home from the community are able to take a test up to 72 hours in advance.

16.07.2021 – Coronavirus: admission and care of people in care homes guidance updated to clarify that where a resident is being admitted from another care home or care facility, care home managers should undertake a risk assessment to determine whether self-isolation is required.

17.08.2020 – The guidance Coronavirus: admission and care of people in care homes updated: ‘Admission and care of residents in a care home during COVID-19’ to reflect the change in guidance on 16 August that you no longer have to self-isolate after confirmed close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 if you are fully vaccinated or under 18.

Care Homes – Visiting
22.07.2020 – There is good news for family carers which the publication of the Visiting care homes during coronavirus guidance. It has been issued for relatives to visit care homes, though does cover the general principles of how providers can safely develop their visiting policy to enable family visiting, bearing in mind local conditions set out by the local Director of Public Health.

29.07.2020 – Given the importance of the subject of visiting care homes and having robust and comprehensive risk assessments in place, Leeds City Council’s Care Quality Team will host an informal session for managers to discuss issues and ask questions about managing visits and especially around completing risk assessments.  The session will take place between 1:30 to 2:30 and you will need to book a place so they have accurate numbers of attendees and will send joining details nearer the time.  You can also find a link to the relevant guidance and an overview of the Care Quality Team on their website.

31.07.2020 – The visiting care homes guidance was updated to reflect the extension of self-isolating from 7 to 10 days.  The update says that no-one should be allowed to enter a care home if they are currently experiencing or have experienced coronavirus symptoms in the last 10 days.  It also says that visitors should be encouraged to walk or cycle to the care home if they can.

28.09.2020 – On the back of the new restrictions in Leeds, the Director of Public Health has recommended that care home providers restrict visiting to exceptional circumstances only.

15.10.2020 – The visiting care homes guidance has been updated with reference to local Covid alert levels and measures set out in the adult social care winter plan.  This links to the Covid-19: guidance for supported living that came out earlier this week.

05.11.2020 – visiting care homes guidance updated to reflect visiting arrangements while the new national restrictions are in place between 5 November and 2 December 2020.

01.12.2020 – New guidance published: Arrangements for visiting out of the care home.  This sets out how care homes can support residents of working age on visits outside of the care home.

08.12.2020 – The Director of Public Health has issued a position statement on the use of Lateral Flow tests in care home visiting.

09.12.2020 – Leeds Health and Care system has produced an explanatory letter for families regarding visiting their loved ones in a care home.  The letter sets out the present guidance, concerns and issues around visiting to support care homes and families in working together to manage visits effectively and safely.  They are asking all care homes to provide a copy of the letter to the families of all residents, including those funding their own care and those being funded by other authorities.

22.02.2021 – Coronavirus lateral flow testing of visitors in care homes guidance updated outlining a pause in LFD-enabled visits to care homes, explaining how indoor visits can continue for contact-free visiting and updating test kit registration processes.

04.03.2021 – the Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance published which has replaced the previous guidance to reflect the announcements in the roadmap published on 22nd February (Covid-19 Response – Spring 2021) for the next phase in opening up care home visiting.  A new document has been added: Summary of guidance for visitors.

05.03.2021 – Care Home Visiting guidance replaced.  The new guidance applies from 8 March 2021 and replaces previous guidance on care home visiting.  It applies to care homes for working age and for older adults.

05.03.2021 – Adam Purnell, Care and Quality Lead at Kepplegate Care, has led the way during the pandemic in enabling safe indoor visiting without the use of screens.  In this video, part of his Covid Care Stories on the organisation’s YouTube channel, Adam is joined by Care Home Manager Donna from Broomgrove Nursing Home in Sheffield talking about the struggles of providing safe care throughout the pandemic, the effect the media has had on the public image of care and also how she has been able to welcome visitors back into her care home.  The video is 55 minutes long, but well worth watching.

Donna and Adam host a weekly Care Home Visiting Support Group on Zoom for care home managers on Monday evenings.  It is an informal space where managers can share information, support each other and build confidence that indoor visiting can happen safely.  If you are a care home manager/leader and would like to attend a meeting, please email Penny Hutchinson and she will send you the Zoom invite.

05.03.2021 – One-page overview added to the Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance.

09.03.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance updated to say that being on the Shielded Patient List does not prevent a care home resident from receiving visitors.

28.04.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance corrected to reflect that named visitors should be tested using rapid LFTs on the day of every visit.

04.05.2021 – Supplementary guidance: visits out of care homes added to Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance.

15.06.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance updated with addition of call-out box to press release, ‘Care home residents can stay overnight as visiting restrictions ease.’

17.06.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance updated to reflect that: 1. Care home residents should isolate following a visit only where it includes an overnight stay in hospital, or is deemed high-risk following an individual risk assessment. 2. Residents no longer should isolate on admission into the care home from the community. 3. Every resident can nominate an essential care giver.

17.06.2022 – Arrangements for visiting out of the care home guidance updated to reflect that: 1. Care home residents should isolate following a visit only where it includes an overnight stay in hospital, or is deemed high-risk following an individual risk assessment. 2 Residents no longer should isolate on admission into the care home from the community. Removed ‘Visits out of care homes: summary of guidance’.

21.06.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance updated the section ‘In the event of an outbreak in the care home’ to add the Delta variant as a variant of concern.

16.07.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance updated to reflect that from 19 July, restrictions will be removed on the number of visitors care home residents can receive overall or on any one day.

03.08.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance updated with clarification on PPE usage when caring for residents with learning disabilities.

16.08.2021 – Visiting arrangements in care homes guidance updated to reflect the change in guidance on 16 August that you no longer have to self-isolate after confirmed close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 if you are fully vaccinated or under 18. Temporarily removed ‘Summary of COVID-19 guidance for visitors’ while it is being updated.

Care Homes – Winter:
22.01.2021 – Coronavirus: support for care homes guidance updated with the addition of a new document ‘Your care home during winter’.

Care Settings:
13.03.2020 – The government published guidance: COVID-19: guidance for residential care, supported living and home care.

02.04.2020 – For those of you who run care homes, there is guidance: Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes.

13.05.2020 – The guidance for residential care, supported living and home care was withdrawn.

29.09.2020 – The Covid-19: supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults guidance was updated replacing links to social distancing guidance and easy-read counterpart with updated guidance on staying alert and safe, coronavirus outbreak FAQs and guidance on meeting with others safely.  The links to guidance on both supported living and home care provision were also updated.

10.05.2021 – The Covid-19: supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults guidance updated to reflect easing of some COVID-19 restrictions from 12 April.

24.08.2020 – The Covid-19: supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults guidance updated to include guidance on self-isolation that came into effect on 16 August.

Children’s Services:
23.04.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services updated.

12.05.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services updated with guidance for supporting children’s care homes in the management of visitor testing, safeguarding in out of school settings and youth clubs, and keeping residential settings safe from coronavirus (COVID-19).

19.07.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services updated to confirm the position on tracing close contacts from Step 4, to reinstate a section on residential provision that was removed from the previous version (there are no policy changes) and to update the name only of ‘Amendments from 24 September 2020 to existing regulations’ to ‘Amendments from 31 March 2021 to existing regulations’. We have also republished in HTML format and have removed advice that no longer applies.

05.08.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services has updated information on exceptional exemptions from self-isolation for critical staff and added a link to the relevant guidance.

Day Services:
Leeds City Council’s Care Quality Team have put together these really helpful FAQs aimed to support providers of learning disabilities day opportunities services in and around Leeds.

Also, thanks to Richard in Wakefield, here’s a reminder of some of the most appropriate bits of specific guidance for adult day care settings:

Deputy / Attorney:
17.04.2020 – Being a deputy or attorney during the coronavirus outbreak guidance published.  Find out how you can continue to act in the best interests of the client or donor during the outbreak.

03.03.2021 – Being a deputy or attorney during the coronavirus outbreak guidance updated due to announcement of roadmap out of lockdown in February 2021.

Designated Settings Scheme:
21.10.2020 – Letter to Directors of Adult Social Services setting out arrangements for the Care Quality Commission designated settings scheme for people discharged to a care home with a positive Covid-19 test.

13.11.2020 – The designated settings scheme guidance updated with the addition of the letter ‘Designated settings requirement: FAQs’.

16.12.2020 – Designated settings for people discharged to a care home published.  This is guidance on the Designated Settings Scheme for people discharged from hospital to a care home with a positive coronavirus test.

13.01.2021 – Designated settings for people discharged to a care home guidance note which simplifies and clarifies aspects of the existing national guidance on designated settings published in December.

18.02.2021 – Designated settings for people discharged to a care home guidance updated ‘Discharge into care homes: designated settings’ to reflect updated information in the ‘clarification note’ on 14 to 90 day testing, and to reflect clarification on the need for clinical assessments on discharge from the designated setting to a care home.

01.04.2021 – Designated settings for people discharged to a care home guidance updated with a link to what can and cannot be done from 29 March 2021.

17.05.2021 – Designated settings for people discharged to a care home guidance updated to add a call-out about the new COVID-19 variant of concern.

Domiciliary Care:
27.04.2020 – The Covid-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England was published which is in line with practice across most social care settings.  Of particular note is that the PPE guidance is in line with the position being taken in Leeds and the wearing of masks between visits is worth a detailed read.

30.04.2020 – The how to work safely in domiciliary care guidance updated with guides for putting on and taking off personal protective equipment.

01.06.2020 – The document Personal protective equipment (PPE) – resource for care workers delivering homecare (domiciliary care) during sustained Covid-19 transmission in the UK was added to the how to work safely in domiciliary care guidance.

29.09.2020 – The how to work safely in domiciliary care guidance updated providing more information on types of gloves.

Ethical Framework for Social Care:
19.03.2020 – The Covid-19: ethical framework for adult social care published to support planning and organisation of adult social care during the Covid-19 outbreak.

28.04.2021 – The Covid-19: ethical framework for adult social care updated with translations in 11 languages.

Food Shopping:
27.03.2020 – A number of accommodation-based providers are struggling with getting in basic food supplies.  We’ve spoken with several supermarkets and they are happy for our staff to join the ‘silver shopper’ hours to get in before the crowds.  Staff may use this Critical Key Worker letter template to identify themselves.  They may also be required to show the Identifying Critical Key Workers letter issued by Leeds City Council which confirms your organisation’s role as an external provider of health and social care support in Leeds.

05.05.2020 – NHSX and CQC have been working together to identify and disseminate priority food offers for social care staff.  There are a number of offers at retailers including Iceland, Morrisons and Food to Care (one of the discounts on the link is also for unpaid carers).  Registered Managers are being contacted individually with more details about the offer from Iceland.


  • J & S Foods have opened to the public and have plenty of stock currently
  • McQueens Dairy cover a lot of areas in Leeds and you can order online

Home Care:
22.05.2020 – All the government guidance for those providing personal care to people living in their own homes has now been put in one place: Covid-19: providing home care.

24.06.2020 – The ‘hospital discharge and testing’ section of Providing home care guidance has been amended to state “anyone experiencing coronavirus symptoms can now be tested, which includes individuals receiving home care.  This can be accessed through the digital portal or by calling 119 to book testing.”

07.08.2020 – The Providing home care guidance has been updated: ‘shielding and care groups’ section now titled ‘clinically extremely vulnerable people and care groups; ‘annexes A and B’ to reflect wider changes to shielding advice and updated ‘social care recruitment’ section to include further details about the new online recruitment platform for social care.

02.09.2020 – The Providing home care guidance with the addition of a new section on how home care providers can support the NHS Test and Trace Service.  Also updated links to hospital discharge service guidance.

04.11.2020 – The Providing Home Care guidance will be updated soon to reflect the new national restrictions. In the meantime readers are being directed to the New National Restrictions guidance.

22.12.2020 – The Providing Home Care guidance updated to reflect that the 14-day isolation period is now 10 days.

24.12.2020 – The Providing Home Care guidance updated to reflect current policy for how providers should access PPE.

06.01.2021 – The Providing Home Care guidance updated to reflect that clinically extremely vulnerable people should now shield at home.

02.02.2021 – The Providing Home Care guidance updated: ‘Coronavirus (Covid-19) provision of home care’ to add guidance on vaccinations and the NHS capacity tracker and to amend the definition of ‘home care’.

01.04.2021 – The Providing Home Care guidance updated: with a banner message to include change in lockdown rules from 29 March 2021.

17.05.2021 – The Providing Home Care guidance updated to add a call-out about the new COVID-19 variant of concern.

Home Care – Winter:
22.01.2021 – Coronavirus: providing home care guidance updated with the addition of a new document ‘Working with people in their own homes this winter’.

Hospital Discharge:
19.03.2020 – The government’s Hospital Discharge Service: Policy and Operating Model published. This sets out the Hospital Discharge Service operating model for all NHS trusts, community interest companies, and private care providers of NHS-commissioned acute, community beds, community health services and social care staff in England. It replaces the Hospital Discharge Service Requirements. This is the model for how health and care systems should support the safe and timely discharge of people who no longer need to stay in hospital.

19.02.2021 – Hospital Discharge Service: Policy and Operating Model guidance updated with the addition of a link to ‘Designated settings for people discharged to a care home’.

Housing Support:
17.09.2020 – The government has announced funding to 274 councils to provide interim accommodation and support for vulnerable people as part of the government’s commitment to end rough sleeping.

Medication – Re-use in Care Homes:
28.04.2020 – The Covid-19: reuse of medicines in a care home or hospice guidance published. There are certain circumstances in which meds can be re-used so this guidance needs careful reading and is only applicable to hospices and registered care homes.

Medication – Reducing Medication Errors
OPUS, the ‘experts in medicines training’, have a free downloadable Manager’s Guide to Reducing Medicines Errors. They state that “Managers and senior staff are crucial when trying to reduce medicines errors in an organisation.  Not only do they have to help identify the errors, they need to know how to manage them, learn from them and prevent them recurring.  In this download, we’ve set out the role of managers and senior staff in reducing medicines errors including:

  • how to become aware of medicines errors that occur
  • how to assess medicines errors to determine the causal factors
  • how to address the errors to ensure they don’t happen again

We’ve included a case study and example action plan to help managers and senior staff understand the process they should follow once they discover an error to prevent a similar error occurring again.”

Sedatives to Enforce Social Distancing:
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has issued guidance about the inappropriate use of sedative medications to enforce social distancing guidelines when managing vulnerable people during the pandemic who may not understand social distancing.

Mental Capacity:
09.04.2020 – The Covid-19: looking after people who lack mental capacity MCA guidance has been published.  It’s really helpful for the care of people who lack mental capacity in these times and should prevent us doing unnecessary DoLS.  (You can save time by skipping the text and go straight to reading the flowchart on page 11!)

10.06.20 – The MCA guidance updated with a new section added to the attachment ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: additional guidance”.  The new section is called ‘The right to appeal if someone is subject to emergency health powers and lacks the relevant mental capacity’.

04.05.2020 – 39 Essex Chambers has published a Rapid Response Guidance Note: Testing for Covid-19 and Mental Capacity which states: ‘Given the move to the government guidance on regular COVID testing, it’s important to remember that (1) it’s guidance, not legislation, and (2) best interests is undoubtedly the test where an individual is assessed as not having capacity.  Though Covid guidance has, and will continue to change, the law around Mental Capacity and Best Interests remains the same.’

07.09.2020 – The MCA guidance has been updated:

  • updated attachment: ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic’. Sections ‘summary of key points’ and ‘Supervisory bodies’ include updated information about professional visits to care homes and hospitals.
  • updated attachment: ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: additional guidance’.  Section ‘Best interest decisions’ includes updated information about decisions related to elective surgery and other procedures.  Sections ‘Depriving a person of their liberty’ and ‘Supervisory bodies’ include updated information about professional visits to care homes and hospitals.

15.10.2020 – Two attachments to the MCA guidance have been updated:

  1. ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic’:
  2. The section ‘Emergency public health powers’ has been changed to ‘Emergency Coronavirus health powers’ to include information about which coronavirus health powers may be relevant for people without relevant mental capacity.
  3. The section ‘Supervisory bodies (local authorities in England, and local health boards and local authorities in Wales)’ has been updated to include advice on visiting care homes in relation to the latest local COVID alert level guidance.
  4. In ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: additional guidance’:
  5. The ‘Emergency public health powers’ section has been changed to ‘Emergency Coronavirus health powers’ to include updated information about what affect the new regulations and guidance in England for self-isolation, brought into force on Monday 28 September 2020, have if a person does not have mental capacity to make decisions in relation to these rules.
  6. The section ‘Continuing to carry out your role as a DoLS independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA) or relevant person’s representative (RPR)’ has also been updated to include local advice on visiting care homes in relation to the latest local COVID alert level guidance.

10.11.2020 – The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019: Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) published. The government has committed to bringing LPS into force to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).

11.11.2020 – Two attachments to the MCA guidance have been updated to reflect the latest guidance and advice for professional visits during the national lockdown which began on 5th November:

  • The attachment ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005)(MCA) and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic’ has been updated in the section ‘Supervisory bodies (local authorities in England, and local health boards and local authorities in Wales’ and a summary of these changes is reflected at the end of the ‘Summary of key points’.
  • The attachment ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005)(MCA) and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic: additional guidance’ has been updated in the section ‘Continuing to carry out yhour role as a DoLS independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA) or relevant person’s representative (PRP)’.

12.2020 – The well-respected 39 Essex Chambers Court of Protection team has been asked to advise on a number of occasions as to the legal position in relation to vaccination for Covid-19.  To support this they have produced a rapid response briefing paper and an introductory page leading to other briefing papers.

18.12.2020 – With the imminent roll-out of Covid vaccinations in care homes, the National Mental Capacity Forum hosted a Rapid Response Webinar from 1-2pm to share knowledge and reinforce good practice in consenting patients for the new Covid vaccinations, and to empower clinicians to have meaningful engagement with vaccine recipients.  The webinar was chaired by Baroness Ilora Finlay, chair of the National Mental Capacity Forum.  Panellists included Alex Ruck Keene, Dr Bryony Kendall and Dr Elisabeth Alton.  The webinar addressed practical issues faced within the care home environment and addressed concerns among primary care providers.

The National Mental Capacity Forum is a joint Ministry of Justice and Department of Health and Social Care initiative.  Its purpose is to work with stakeholders from health and social care, together with those from other sectors (for example finance, legal, police, housing) to identify complementary actions which member organisations can pursue, especially at a local level, to improve implementation of the MCA.

The event was hosted by the Autonomy Project at the University of Essex.  Please click here to access the recordings of the five earlier webinar events.

24.12.2020 – The looking after people who lack mental capacity guidance updated: a new sub-section added ‘Offering a vaccine to someone who lacks the relevant mental capacity’ to the attachment ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic: additional guidance’.

07.01.2021 – Essex Chambers and the Social Care for Institute for Excellence (SCIE) both have quick guides that are a reminder to everyone working with people who lack capacity about vaccinations and who is the decision maker.

12.01.2021 – The looking after people who lack mental capacity guidance updated to reflect the new national lockdown in England that began on 6 January 2021 in ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic’ and ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19( pandemic: additional guidance’.

29.01.2021 – Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019: Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) is legislation and guidance on the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPA) and the latest information on progress towards their implementation.  Today added link to ‘Summary of LPS National Steering Group meeting: December 2020’.

02.03.2021 – Notes and some useful links from Mary Kadzirange, Mental Capacity Act Lead at NHS Leeds CCG who was a guest speaker at the Mutal Aid Recovery Group yesterday.

28.06.2021 – The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019: Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) guidance updated with the addition of a link to ‘Summary of LPS National Steering Group meeting: May 2021’.

Personal Relationships:
A good piece from Skills for Care on supporting people who need care and support to have meaningful personal relationships.

Registered Managers:
15.07.2020 – Leeds City Council’s Care Quality Team has experimented with new ways of supporting Registered Managers and Deputy Managers during the present pandemic.  As one of these experiments, they thought it might be useful to facilitate an informal space to chat and reflect; a bit of a chat over a ‘virtual coffee’ for Registered Managers from any registered service, not just care homes.  They would like to do this on a regular weekly basis and the first virtual coffee will be held today.

There is no need to attend regularly, you can just drop in if you are free or interested in the suggested topic or have another burning issue you need help with.  There is nothing formal, just an hour of chatting around issues, an opportunity to ask questions and seek some degree of clarity, from a peer group, or perhaps just realise you’re not the only one in that situation or with that problem.  All members of the Care Quality Team will attend, so they should be able to answer most questions, as they have ex-registered managers and ex-regional and national quality directors on the team.

As a starting point the team suggested a chat around assessing and evidencing risk management and government guidance at the first virtual coffee, and, for the following week, something around what they’ve picked up around CQC inspections going forward.  However, they’re happy for any questions to be sent to them prior to the virtual coffee at:  It’ll be chat with no notes taken.  Click to book your place at the next virtual coffee which takes place on Wednesdays from 11:30 to 12:30pm.

12.2020 – Topics for discussion at the next Care Quality Team virtual coffee sessions for all registered managers in care homes are:

  • new speech and language service
  • the ever thorny issues of visiting
  • mental capacity and vaccination
  • new regulations around staff not working in multiple locations ( time permitting)

Book your place here.  Meeting invites will be sent out before the meeting.  If you have any questions about the topics, please email

Risk Assessment Framework:
In a bid to put a framework around the decision-making process to support vulnerable people (and particularly those who live in shared accommodation) to start to re-integrate into a Covid world, we have devised a risk assessment process.  Please use, adapt or ignore this as you deem fit.

Risk Reduction Framework:
19.06.2020 – The Covid-19: adult social care risk reduction framework was published with 70+ links to accompanying documents.

22.05.2020 – The Local Government Association (LGA) and Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) have issued Frequently Asked Questions in respect of Covid-19 and Safeguarding Adults.

05.03.2021 – The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published guideline (NG189) Safeguarding adults in care homes.  This new guideline supports care home providers with practical advice on developing a strong safeguarding culture, helping to keep adults in care homes safe from abuse and neglect.  It includes indicators that should alert people to the possibility of abuse or neglect on both an individual and organisational level.  It is a collection of guidance and tools covering:

  • care home policy and procedures on safeguarding, whistleblowing and record-keeping
  • safeguarding staff and training and support for staff in care homes
  • involving the resident at risk
  • improving the quality of referrals to local authorities
  • cross-agency communication and collaboration

The full guidance tools and resources can be found here.

11.03.2021 – Safeguarding and remote education during coronavirus guidance has been updated with additional information on keeping children and young people safe online and with advice on live streaming lessons.

27.04.2021 – The Covid-19: looking after people who lack mental capacity guidance has been updated: ‘The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic’ and additional guidance to reflect visiting arrangements being eased on 12 April 2021.

Social Care Support Taskforce:
08.06.2020 – The government announced the launch of a Social Care Sector Covid-19 Support Taskforce, led by David Pearson, a former chief of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services. The taskforce ensures the delivery of 2 packages of support that the government has put in place for the care sector, the social care action plan and the care home support package.

18.09.20 – The Social Care Sector Support Taskforce published its report on first phase of Covid-19 pandemic setting out its progress and learning.

12.10.29 – An easy read version of How coronavirus has affected people with learning disabilities and autistic people was added to the report on first phase of Covid-19 pandemic.

Support Outside of the Home:
02.09.2020 – New Getting support outside of your home guidance published. Nothing earth shattering but a very quick read.

06.11.2020 – The Getting support outside of your home guidance updated to reflect the introduction of new national restrictions on 5th November.

31.03.2021 – The Getting support outside of your home guidance updated to reflect changes to the coronavirus restrictions that came into effect on 29th March.

Supported Living:
See also: Home Care above

19.06.2020 – In the absence of national guidance on admitting people into supported living services, in partnership with Leeds City Council and Leeds & York Partnership Foundation Trust, we have developed this Covid-19 Supported Living pre-admission considerations and guidance risk assessment to provide a framework to aid decision making.

06.08.2020 – Guidance for supported living services during Covid-19 which is reassuringly in line with practice.  Most of the content is expected and there is a helpful visitor section, but there is still no equity in testing for care homes.

12.10.2020 – The guidance for supported living services updated with the addition of an easy read version.

05.11.2020 – The Supported living services guidance will be updated soon to reflect the new national restrictions. In the meantime readers are being directed to the New National Restrictions guidance.

25.11.2020 – The Supported living services guidance will be updated soon to reflect the post Lockdown 2 tier restrictions.  In the meantime readers are being directed to Local restrictions tiers: what you need to know guidance.

22.12.2020 – The Supported living services guidance updated to reflect that the 14-day isolation period is now 10 days.

06.01.2021 – The Supported living services guidance updated to reference the new national lockdown.

30.03.2021 – The guidance for supported living services updated to replace the ‘Visitors and support bubbles’ section with the new ‘Visits in and out of supported living settings’ section.

16.07.2021 – The guidance for supported living services updated in ‘COVID-19: guidance for supported living’ to clarify the policy on limiting close contact and visiting in and out of supported living settings.

02.08.2021 – The guidance for supported living services updated to temporarily remove the easy read version while it’s being updated.

17.08.2021 – The guidance for supported living services updated: ‘guidance for supported living’ to reflect the change in guidance on 16 August that you no longer have to self-isolate after confirmed close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 if you are fully vaccinated or under 18.

Supported Living – Winter:
22.01.2021 – Supported living services during coronavirus guidance updated with the addition of a new document ‘Working with people in supported living this winter’.

Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities & Autistic Adults:
24.04.2020 – New Covid-19: guidance for care staff supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.  There does not seem to be anything new in the guidance other than it is now all in one place.  However, if you follow the links within the supported living guidance, it continues to have advice about not wearing masks when staff and the people supported are not symptomatic!

20.10.2020 – The supporting adults guidance updated to include guidance on local Covid-19 alert levels, updated links to accessible resources and removed outdated links to easy-reads.

05.11.2020 – The supporting adults guidance updated to include links to the guidance on the new national restrictions which apply in England from 5 November to 2 December.

26.11.2020 – The supporting adults guidance updated to include relevant links to guidance on the local restriction tier system that will be in place in England from 2 December.

14.01.2021 – The supporting adults guidance updated to reflect national lockdown rules in England.

26.02.2021 – The supporting adults guidance has been updated.  Under ‘Social distancing’ now includes that the government has published the ‘Covid-19 Response – Spring 2021’ setting out the roadmap out of the current lockdown for England, and that from 8 March some of the rules on what you can and cannot do will be changing.

31.03.2021 – The supporting adults guidance has been updated to reflect easing of some Covid-19 restrictions from 29 March.

19.07.2021 – The supporting adults guidance has been updated in line with the lifting of most legal restrictions to control COVID-19 from 19 July 2021, as we move to Step 4 of the COVID-19 roadmap.


For general details about face coverings/masks, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

05.06.2020 – The government issued guidance on the wearing of face masks and coverings by all NHS hospital staff and visitors.  Late on 20th July guidance about the wearing of masks in care homes and domiciliary care was published.  Essentially the message is that masks must be worn by all staff at all times, regardless of whether those staff are direct care givers.  This brings social care in line with guidance for healthcare settings which has been in place for some time.  It’s now time to get updating PPE protocols (again!).

31.07.2020 – The Covid-19: Guidance for the safe use of council buildings updated to include a section on face coverings.

08.07.2021 – News Story: DHSC recognises the importance of transparent face masks to make communication easier.  Since September 2020, DHSC has been working on a coordinated range of initiatives to enable the creation and availability of safe and effective transparent face masks to health and social care.


Care Quality Commission (CQC):
The CQC website has useful local social care news and information.

10.2019 – CQC is to concentrate on Identifying and Responding to Closed Cultures.

16.03.2020 – CQC has written to all registered health and social care providers about how they are adapting their regulatory approach in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Amongst other things, from today they are suspending routine inspections.

Shortly after CQC announced a pause in sending out requests for the adult social care the PIRs until further notice to relieve the burden on providers.  CQC is reviewing PIRs it has already received and will continue to review any further PIRs that are submitted.  Therefore, if you are in the process of completing a PIR and would like to continue with this and submit it, please do.  For any queries regarding your PIR, please contact

25.03.2020 – CQC has relaxed registration rules to aid flexibility: “We want to support health and social care providers as they look to increase capacity as part of the ongoing effort to respond to COVID-19.”  Read the full update which explains what constitutes a COVID-19 registration and what this means for providers.

30.04.2020 – CQC has issued a joint statement of its Chief Inspectors on its regulatory approach, setting out its Emergency Support Framework, during the coronavirus pandemic.

23.07.2020 – As part of its managed return to inspections, CQC is looking at infection prevention and control.  The regulatory body has issued IPC guidance for care homes and the principles contained in this are good across the board.

14.08.2020 – CQC has issued guidance to support people to access hospital care from care home or community settings.

09.2020 – CQC has issued guidance on what good digital records look like.

09.2020 – Issue 4 of CQC’s State of Care Covid-19 Insite.

15.10.2020 – CQC published its annual State of Care report 2019/20.  A summary of the main findings are available on their website where you can also download a copy of the full report together with an easy read version.

24.03.2021 – The three Chief Inspectors have published a statement about the future approach, outlining changes that will take effect from April, and what they mean for providers from all sectors.

Throughout the pandemic, CQC’s regulatory role has not changed.  Its core purpose to ensure that the public receive safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care has remained at the centre of their activities – and this will continue.  CQC want to have an active role in encouraging system-wide recovery and as we move into the spring, they are looking to the future and how they can support this. They will continue responding to risk to keep people safe from harm and protect their human rights by proactively seeking out and addressing safety and quality concerns.  You can read the full statement on here.

Companies House:
If you think the impact of COVID-19 will cause delays in filing your company accounts, you can apply for an automatic and immediate 3 month extension, but you must apply before your filing deadline.

22.10.2020 – Guidance issued for Companies House customers about how they have adapted the way they work to maintain their services for the public and to protect the welfare of their employees.

04.05.2020 – The Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman has issued guidance on how to approach dealing with complaints through the period of the pandemic.  The guidance is quite brief and helpful.

CQC’s Regulation 16 (death notification) form has been updated to include Coronavirus as a reportable cause of death: “We would like to understand the numbers of deaths that are occurring due to COVID-19, whether suspected or confirmed”.

19.06.2020 – The Department of Health and Social Care also requires local authorities and social care providers to notify them of any Covid-19 deaths of employees and volunteers in social care.  The Steps to take following the death of a person who worked in adult social care in England guidance is applicable to both regulated and non-regulated settings.

07.07.2020 – The Steps to take following the death of a worker guidance updated with the addition of a new section on informing the coroner.

09.08.2021 – The Steps to take following the death of a person who worked in adult social care in England guidance has been updated with the addition of details of a life assurance scheme for eligible frontline health and care workers who die from coronavirus contracted in the course of their frontline essential work, and removed details of the CARE workforce app which no longer exists.

Gender Pay Gap:
24.03.2020 – Employers do not have to report gender pay gaps as the enforcement of the gender pay gap reporting deadlines have been suspended for this year 2019/20 due to the current crisis.  (This is only relevant for organisations with more than 250 member of staff.)

Markel insurers are providing a range of useful information for employers.

PI and QMF submissions:
25.03.2020 – Leeds City Council have put back the deadline for submission in respect of both the PI and QMF for those organisations which provide accommodation-based services.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has produced guidance on RIDDOR reporting of Covid-19.

HSE has specific guidance on when you should make a RIDDOR report (under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) of Covid-19.  You must only make a report under RIDDOR, relating to coronavirus, when:

  • an unintended incident at work has led to someone’s possible or actual exposure to coronavirus.  This must be reported as a dangerous occurrence.
  • a worker has been diagnosed as having Covid-19 and there is reasonable evidence that it was caused by exposure at work.  This must be reported as a case of disease.
  • a worker dies as a result of occupational exposure to coronavirus.

Visit the HSE website for further details on the above, along with examples.

Right to Work Checks:
20.04.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): right to work checks guidance updated as the temporary adjustments introduced because of coronavirus end on 16 May 2021.

12.05.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): right to work checks guidance updated as the end date for the temporary adjusted checking processes is now 21 June.

26.08.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): right to work checks guidance updated to reflect extended end date of 5 April 2022.

Social Care Common Inspection Framework (SCCIF):
16.02.2021 – Guidance on assurance visits to children’s social care providers and the social care common inspection framework (SCCIF) updated with the addition of guidance for social care providers on how inspectors can arrange to review records held on electronic systems.


For general details about the impact of Covid-19, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

03.07.2020 – The government has issued a summary from its Vivaldi 1: Covid-19 care homes study report into antigen testing in all care homes for those over 65 years old in England and survey results of managers of those homes.  The conclusions are:

  • regular use of ‘bank’ staff (healthcare professionals who do temporary work in different settings as needed) is an important risk factor for infection in residents and staff
  • infections in staff are a risk factor for infection in residents and infections in residents are a risk factor for infection in staff.  However, the magnitude of this effect suggests staff are more likely to transmit infections to residents than vice versa
  • emerging data suggests that the number of new admissions, and return of residents to the care home from hospital, may be important risk factors for infection in residents and staff.  This has only been tested in unadjusted analysis due to a high proportion of missing data across these variables
  • region is an important risk factor for infection in staff and residents, but its effect is different in staff and residents.  This may be due to temporal differences in the timing of testing between staff and residents
  • important transmission risk is now likely to focus on staff, who will now be tested weekly via the new whole home testing rollout

09.07.2020 – The findings of a new study provide evidence that the prevalence of Covid-19 among domiciliary care workers who are currently working is in line with the general population and not a higher prevalence as observed in studies of frontline healthcare workers and care home staff (0.1% with a 95% confidence interval of 0.02%-0.40% compared with 0.09% with a 95% confidence interval of 0.04%-0.19%).


For general details about the growth rate of coronavirus, alert levels and restrictions including social distancing and shielding/self-isolating, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

04.06.2020 – The government has updated its dataset on the number of COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes.

03.08.2020 – The government has issued early outbreak management action cards which provide instructions to anyone responsible for a business or organisation on what to do in the event of one or more confirmed cases of coronavirus within your organisation.  These include:

05.11.2020 – National restrictions graphical poster published displaying information about the new restrictions in England that apply from 5 November to 2 December.

07.12.2020 – In the guidance for businesses and organisations on how to recognise, contain and report incidents of coronavirus the early outbreak management action card example has been updated.

05.03.2021 – Guidance on the reporting of Covid-19 in care homes and other residential facilities.  Applicable to all providers.  For action/information.

Due to recent confusion regarding reporting potential outbreaks, we would like to remind care homes of the following: please liaise with the local Public Health England Centre as soon as possible via 0113 386 0300 if you suspect or have a Covid-19 outbreak (2 or more affected staff or residents) or your care home does not have a current Covid-19 outbreak but you have a single suspected or confirmed Covid-19 staff or resident.

18.03.2021 – The Containing and managing local coronavirus outbreaks guidance updated following publication of the government’s roadmap.  The update makes clear national and local roles and responsibilities.


CEV Transition Roadmap:
07.04.2021 – Over 30,000 Leeds residents have been on the shielding list for over a year, 55,000 people are currently classed as clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) and at some point in the last 12 months, 71,778 people in Leeds have been advised to shield at home for an extended period.  Advice for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) people from 1st April 2021 can be found here.

On the 1st April the Leeds Shielding Team shared a CEV transition roadmap for the next 6 months.  They have some funding to support achieving the outcomes over the next 6 months – and want to target this as effectively as possible.  Therefore the template is asking 2 key questions:

  • what is ALREADY IN PLACE that meets these outcomes
  • what might you BE INTERESTED in doing to meet these outcomes

Please complete the form and return to before Monday 12th April.  Completing this will really help us to signpost people to the right support for them, or where to prioritise investing in the right transition support. The aim is that this will ensure that no service is inundated with requests they can’t handle – and to make sure that people get the right support at the right time in the right way.

28.4.2021 – Submission date updated to Monday, 10th May 2021.  The shielding team are really keen to hear back from the Learning Disabilities and the Physical and Sensory Impairment networks with a view to funding similar to the Community Care Hubs.

Rebuilding: 10.05.2020 – Our plan to building: The UK Government’s Covid-19 recovery strategy published.  This is the government’s roadmap for how and when the UK will adjust its response to the Covid-19 crisis.  One of the predictable issues covered that is very relevant to the people we support has now been confirmed by the government at 5.3: life for shielded groups is not going to be changing anytime soon.  “It is likely that the Government will continue to advise people who are clinically extremely vulnerable to shield beyond June.”

Restarting Community Activities:
07.04.2021 – This guidance has been developed to support organisations who are considering options for restarting activities. The document sets out a summary of official guidance, policy and requirements, and a series of case studies gathered from third sector organisations in Leeds to help provide practical examples and ideas.

The guide which can be found here is divided into sections so that key considerations are included per topic and link to relevant websites to help you implement the changes safely if you decide to restart services. The guidance has been developed with older people’s organisations in the community however the information and principles could be useful for other settings as well.

This document supports organisations considering options and restarting activities in the community by giving a brief summary of official guidance, policy and requirements, and examples from third sector organisations in Leeds.  Although it focusses on best practice from Older Peoples organisations it might be helpful for others to use.

Please be aware – information was correct at the time of writing and does not supersede any legal/government guidance or restrictions

Guidance on working safelysafer traveltransport to school and collegesmall marriages and civil partnershipsgetting help with daily activities outside the homesafer public spaces and managing playgrounds and outdoor gyms have been updated.

Sport England have published guidance and FAQs on sport and exercise from 29 March.

Transitioning Out of Lockdown:
30.06.2020ACAS is delivering training to help transition out from lockdown.  This covers gaining agreement around holidays, booking and cancelling leave, holiday entitlement for furloughed workers, how to vary a contract of employment, dealing with flexible working requests, brining staff back into the workplace and addressing staff concerns including staff safety, PPE and public transport.  The training will take place from 2-4pm.  Register your placeView more detail.

14/07/2020 – The report Preparing for a Challenging Winter 2020-21 from the Academy of Medical Sciences makes depressing forecasting for the months ahead.

17.07.2020 – The government published The next chapter in our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s covid-19 recovery strategy including how local outbreaks will be managed.

11.09.2020 – In anticipation of the onset of winter Stuart Miller, Director of Adult Social Care Delivery, Department of Health and Social Care, sent a letter  to all care providers with an update position as infection rates rise in care homes.

17.09.2020 – The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care made an oral statement on coronavirus and the government’s plans to put us in the strongest possible position for this winter.

18.09.2020 – There was a press release about the new adult social care winter plan which will aim to curb the spread of coronavirus infections in care settings throughout the winter months. The Adult Social Care Winter Plan 2020-2021 details the government’s ambitions for the sector and the challenges facing adult social care this winter.  Helen Whateley, Minister for Care, has written a letter to local authorities outlining expectations of them in relation to the Winter Plan.

02.12.2020 – The Covid-19 Winter Plan has been updated with summary translations and large print versions.

14.12.2020 – The Adult Social Care Winter Plan 2020 to 2021 has been updated with links added to the latest overview of adult social care guidance on coronavirus.

Winter Planning Workshops:
We know that partnership working is essential to ensure that all people of Leeds receive the care and support needed to stay safe during the winter period.  The Local Care Partnerships Development Team is delivering a series of Winter Planning Workshops, across each of the 15 areas of Leeds, to communicate citywide plans and to allow third sector organisations working with diverse communities to coordinate their support with system partners.

If you would like to join one or more of these workshops, please complete this brief form.  If you are unable to join, but want to draw the team’s attention to the needs of particular communities of interest, or you would like to share important information on how you are supporting people this winter, then either contact Karl Witty or mention it in the joining form and Forum Central will make sure your information is shared.


Archaeological Sites:
There’s even government guidance for detectorists!

Back to Work:
11.05.2020 – New guidance launched to help get people safely back to work. Also, Working safely during coronavirus guidance has been published which has 8 further guides covering a range of different types of work; working in ‘offices and contact centres’ and ‘other people’s homes’ are probably the most applicable to us.

For those who run cafes as part of their service offer, there is also guidance on Working Safely during coronavirus for restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services.

Children’s Services:
03.04.2020 – Coronavirus: guidance for children’s social care services published.

07.08.2020 – The section on ‘How is the Get Help with Technology initiative helping children’s social care during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic’ has been updated in the Guidance for children’s social care services.

21.12.2020 – Guidance for children’s social care services updated in Educational settings section to reflect Tier 4 guidance.

Community Facilities/Sport/Exercise/Outdoor Events:
Activity Alliance publication with considerations for community sport and leisure providers on including disabled people and people with long-term health conditions as they begin to reopen activity.

Guidance for those managing community centres, village halls and other community facilities on safely re-opening has been updated to reflect that multi-purpose community facilities can now open.

11.07.2020 – Section 3c of the multi-purpose community facilities guidance revised to reflect the availability of the Performing Arts guidance.

14.07.2020 – links added to the multi-purpose community facilities guidance on rehearsal and training; maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace; and on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England.

15.07.2020 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated again to reflect upcoming changes to the rules on wearing face coverings.

31.07.2020 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated. Section 2c: hygiene and face coverings; and section 3: permitted activities in multi-use community facilities – signposting to relevant guidance.

14.08.2020 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance revised to reflect changes to restrictions on permitted activities under section 3 and to clarify face covering advice under section 2C.

14.09.2020 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated following introduction of the maximum 6 people rule clarifying that community buildings can take more than 6 people, but must operate in bubbles of no more than 6 in those buildings.

24.09.2020 – the multi-purpose community facilities guidance for those managing community centres, villages halls and other community facilities on safely re-opening has been updated to incorporate changes in regulations announced by the Prime Minster on 22nd September.

01.10.2020 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated to cover test and trace requirements.

17.11.2020 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated to reflect new national restrictions in England from 5 November.

30.11.2020 – The safe use of multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated to reflect the Tier system in England from 2 December.

22.12.2020 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated to reflect changes to local restriction tiers.

05.01.2021 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated to reflect 4 January announcement of national lockdown for all England.

12.04.2021 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated to reflect Step 2 of the Roadmap out of Lockdown.

17.05.2021 – The multi-purpose community facilities guidance updated to reflect Step 3 of the Roadmap.

Council Buildings:
06.07.2020 – The guidance for the safe use of Council buildings updated to include ‘up to 30 people’ rule.

05.11.2020 – The safe use of council buildings guidance updated to reflect the new national restrictions in force from 5 November.

30.11.2020 – The safe use of council buildings guidance updated to reflect the Tier system in England from 2 December.

29.04.2021 – The safe use of council buildings guidance updated to reflect the April 28th High Court judgment.

Day Services:
A group of us is working together to explore how we can share our learning in order to look at getting buildings-based services back up and running at some point in the future.  The Learning Disability Day Services Recovery Group meets fortnightly on Friday afternoons to share and support each other. Drop Andy Rawnsley an email if you want to join the group.

For those of us starting to think about what buildings-based services for people with learning disabilities might look like, this publication about reopening higher education buildings and campuses is worth a look.

The Irish Health Service has published its framework for resumption of adult disability day services from which we may be able to take some learning.

Kings College London have produced a document entitled Helping Day Centres to ‘Unlock Lockdown’ which may be helpful.

10.07.2020 – Whilst we are still awaiting formal guidance from government about day services, the Social Care Institute for Excellence published it’s very useful: Delivering Safe, Face-to-Face Adult Day Care.

In preparation for re-opening some of our day services, we have developed a risk assessment template and protocols for how we will manage situations throughout the day.  Please feel free to use these as a starter for ten if they are helpful, or let us know if you need a Word version:

Education & Childcare:
01.06.2020 – The guidance on education and childcare settings was updated to prepare for wider opening from that date.  Although this is for an early years setting, there are points that are probably useful to help inform our thinking about how we should plan to move towards a re-set buildings-based offer.

02.06.2020 – The government’s FAQs included the question ‘Is it safe to send my child back to school if we’re shielding?’  The response is interesting for those of us considering how to put together recovery plans for buildings-based day services:

“For the vast majority of children and young people, coronavirus is a mild illness.  However, if someone in your household is extremely clinically vulnerable, as set out in the guidance on shielding and protecting people, then your child should only go to school or a childcare setting if stringent social distancing can be followed while they are both there and at home.  This may not be possible in the case of young children and older children without the capacity to adhere to the instructions on social distancing.  If social distancing rules cannot be followed, those children should be supported to learn or work at home.”

This publication gives insight into what will happen during local lockdowns, including schools remaining open for the children of critical workers.

16.06.2020 – The education and childcare settings guidance was updated setting out a change to the protective measures in early years settings that will be effective from 20th July:

  • removing the requirement to keep children in small consistent groups within settings (sections 2.1 and 3.3)
  • added new content on risk assessment (section 3.1)
  • supporting staff with increased risk factors (section 3.2)
  • system controls (section 3.3)
  • updated content on attendance at settings for those shielding, with changes to the advice effective from 1st August
  • removal of content on vulnerable children since settings are open for all children (section 4)
  • updated content on wraparound care (section 5.3)
  • updated Early Years Foundation Stage reforms (section 7.6) and Reception Baseline Assessment (section 7.7).

02.07.2020 – Guidance for Further and Higher Education has also been updated with the addition of links for the full opening from September 2020.  There is also guidance on what Further Education colleges and providers will need to do from the start of the 2020 autumn term.

31.07.2020 – NB: the education and childcare settings guidance was withdrawn as it applied to the 2020 summer term. Although there is, as yet, no guidance for opening up day services, there are some useful tips in the first guidance for special schools.

Sport/Exercise/Outdoor Facilities & Events:
09.07.2020 – Guidance for the public on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation updated.  This will be followed by outdoor pools reopening from 11th July and indoor gyms, pools and leisure centres on 25th July.  Pilots have been announced for the return of spectators to elite sports events which could see fans returning, if safe to do so with social distancing measures in place, from 1st October.

26.10.2020 – Coronavirus: guidance on the phased return of sport and recreation for the public, providers of outdoor sport facilities, elite athletes, personal trainers and coaches on the phased return of sport and recreation has been updated with an updated return to recreational team sport framework.

16.04.2021 – Letter from Secretary of State Robert Jenrick to local authorities on government measures to support hospitality businesses to reopen safely: Coronavirus (COVID-19): reopening outdoor hospitality safely

Theatres/Performing Arts:
Outdoor performances were given the green light from 11th July.  Indoor performances in theatres with socially distanced audiences will be able to take place from 1st August.


The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) works with employers and employees to improve organisations and working life through the promotion and facilitation of strong industrial relations practice. ACAS’s practical information on coronavirus is reviewed daily to give access to the most recent updates and common sense advice.  It contains detailed information on social distancing and vulnerable workers, updates on working from home, school closures, lay-offs and short-time working as well as advice for employers who have to close workplaces temporarily. They have some really good advice for employers and employees, including advice about staff carrying over holidays.

Access to Work:
DWP has published guidance and an Access to Work factsheet for people claiming Access to Work during the coronavirus outbreak.

DBS Applications & Barred List Check Service:
27.03.2020 – New guidance has been published: Covid-19: Free-of-charge DBS applications and fast-track Barred List check service.  This includes information about eligible roles and a helpful flowchart.

CQC has also provided interim guidance on DBS and other recruitment checks.

Employment Opportunity:
28.09.2020 – The NHS England and NHS Improvement Learning Disability and Autism Engagement Team are looking for a person with a learning disability to join their team as a Learning Disability and Autism Network Manager. Applications close 28 October 2020.

06.05.2020 – Guidance has been published on How to treat certain expenses and benefits provided to employees during Covid-19. This includes information on paying travel and subsistence expenses to an employee travelling to a temporary workplace.

12.06.2020 – The government updated its guidance on which expenses are taxable if your employee works from home due to covid-19.

19.01.2021 – The How to treat certain expenses and benefits provided to employees during Covid-19 guidance updated in the section ‘Coronavirus (Covid-19) tests’.

23.03.2021 – The How to treat certain expenses and benefits provided to employees during Covid-19 guidance updated with information about paying or refunding transport costs for employees added.

Furlough Scheme:
See: Job Retention Scheme under ‘Business Support’ section of this page and Legal Advice for Employers below.

For those organisations that are having to furlough their staff, ACAS has produced a template draft letter that can be used.

Holiday Entitlement:
13.05.2020 – Guidance published: Holiday entitlement and pay during coronavirus.

Key/Critical Workers:
23.03.2020 – Key Workers who go out shopping for people they support may be required to show the Identifying Critical Key Workers letter issued by Leeds City Council which confirms your organisation’s role as an external provider of health and social care support in Leeds.

15.05.2020 – Fascinating data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on Coronavirus and key workers in the UK estimating the numbers and characteristics of those who could be considered as potential key workers in the response to the coronavirus.

09.11.2020 – The Critical workers who can access schools or educational settings guidance was updated to link with the new national restrictions which came into force on 5th November.

03.12.2020 The Critical workers and vulnerable children who can access schools or educational settings guidance updated to reflect the latest guidance on the contingency framework for education and childcare settings.

Legal Advice for Employers:
The law firm, Chadwick Lawrence, has a number of video clips about issues for employers, including a really straightforward clip on furlough for those in the unenviable position of facing this kind of decision.

Sue at the law firm, Wrigleys, has also shared their webpage which has lots of legal advice for employers with some really helpful advice, particularly their Q&A on the furlough scheme. They also host law webinars which you may find helpful.

New and Young Workers:
Useful and quick advice from the HSE for employers about managing risks in respect of new to the job and young workers.

Return to Work:
ACAS have produced a return to the workplace process map designed to help employers prepare for the transition from lockdown/furlough.

Vaccinated Staff (Registered Care Homes):
22.07.2021 – Statutory Instrument 2021/891 legislation passed making it mandatory that people who work in Registered Care Homes be double vaccinated from 11th November 2021.

Working from Home:
25.09.2020 – The Working safely during coronavirus guidance has been updated on working from home (section 2) and supporting staff to self-isolate (section 2.2).


For general details about staying connected, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

Digital Inclusion:
100% Digital Leeds has a fund that is available to help organisations deliver digital inclusion to vulnerable and isolated people.  Although the application window closed on Friday, 24th April 2020, they are working to secure additional funding so it may be worth checking out.

Digital Support:
Digital Social Care have launched a free helpline to support adult social care providers with the rapid uptake in technology necessitated by COVID-19.  The helpdesk can support providers on a range of topics including NHSmail, how technology can be used to keep people in contact with friends and family, how technology can be used for recruitment and the implementation of remote consultations with primary and acute care.  Alongside answering queries, Digital Social Care will also be collecting feedback from the helpline to collate and share best practice on how technology is being used in the sector.  The helpline is available Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm on 0208 133 3430 or

Health & Social Care:
NHSX is providing tablet devices to care homes and helping them to improve their internet access, to ensure that everyone living in a care home in England can access video consultations and remote care when this is helpful. The tablets will also allow staff to access NHSmail, other tools or systems needed to support care as well as to connect care home residents with loved ones and access. This offer is one element of a package of support for care homes ahead of winter. Care homes must apply for a tablet before 23 October 2020. Find out more about eligibility and apply.

18.01.2021 – The LGA and ADASS have been working closely with NHSX as part of the Covid-19 response to support health and social care joint working through the improved use of technology.  Our focus for winter has been on the delivery of the digital and technology elements contained in the Department of Health and Social Care Adult Social Care  Winter Plan.  We’ve co-written a letter detailing our support offer which is available to social care providers and our longer-term digital ambitions will embrace the sector as a whole.  Please do cascade this throughout your local care system.  In addition to this, we invite you to learn more about these initiatives at one of our two winter webinars:

  • Winter webinar for local authorities and NHS – Tuesday 26 January 3-4:15pm
  • Winter webinar for social care providers – Wednesday 27 January 10-11:15am

Learning Disability Week:
For 2021 Leeds Learning Disability Week will take place from 14th to 20th June.  If your organisation is planning to put on an event during the week, please use this link and fill out the form and email it back to at Through The Maze so they can add the event to the Through the Maze website and promote it on their social media.

Neurodivergent People:
09.04.2021 – Leeds Autism AIM have published a guide for making information accessible for neurodivergent people.

Together with Music Project:
28.04.2021 – Together with Music is a new campaign and their aim is to connect all care homes in the UK with their local schools, community groups and choirs through music and creativity.  Membership is completely FREE.

In addition to providing a safe, virtual, sharing platform to facilitate intergenerational and community connections, they also offer a wealth of tools and resources to support activity and wellbeing staff in care homes, including regular live shows on zoom!

They recognise that everyone needs a bit of joy and positivity right now and their aims are simple:

  • To tackle loneliness and isolation amongst some of the most vulnerable in our community
  • Support mental health and wellbeing across the generations
  • Ultimately, to encourage community connections both now, in this new virtual world and in the future when we can be together in person once again

Email:  Website: Together with Music


For general details about self-isolating, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

04.04.2020 – Guidance published: Covid-19: management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings. This ‘return to work’ guidance includes symptomatic worker and asymptomatic worker flowcharts to assist in ascertaining when staff can return to work following covid-19 testing.

18.05.2020 – The return to work guidance updated with the addition of 2 new flowcharts.

10.06.2020 – The return to work flowcharts updated with additional guidance on clinical symptoms.

16.06.2020 – Shielding in Leeds – Information and Routes to Support has been published to assist anyone working with people in Leeds who may have been advised to shield due to their clinical risk to Covid-19. (This local guidance pre-dated the government’s announcement that it may be safe for people who are clinically vulnerable to go back out into the world from 6th July.)

31.07.2020 – The return to work flowcharts updated to reflect the extension of the self-isolation period from 7 to 10 days for staff who have Covid-19 symptoms or a positive test result from the community; 14 days isolation period for staff and patients who are admitted to hospital (section 2) and inclusion of re-testing guidance for staff (section 3).

31.07.2020 – As the incidents of coronavirus across the world are starting to rise again, the government has confirmed that health and care workers are required to self-isolate upon their return to the UK from high risk countries.  The exemption that has been in place since June has been removed and workers will need to self-isolate for 14 days.

14.08.2020 – Guidance published: Self-isolating after returning to the UK: your employment rights for workers and employers where people travel abroad and need to self-isolate after returning to the UK.

18.08.2020 – The return to work guidance updated (Section 4) on when health and social care staff can be exempt from being considered a contact for the purposes of Test and Trace.

28.09.2020 – The return to work guidance updated to reflect that exemption of PCR re-testing period has changed from 6 weeks to 90 days.

06.11.2020 – Updated version of the Shielding in Leeds publication with useful information and routes to support for people who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable.  Support is also available via:

  • online –
  • phone – 0113 376 0330
  • signlive – Select LCC Covid 19
  • text – 07480 632 471

26.11.2020 – The guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable updated to reflect the 2 December changes.  This is particularly interesting for both people who employ staff who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable or want to understand how Christmas bubbles could work, which could be useful in the continued absence of any specific updated guidance about supported living settings.

14.12.2020 – The management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings guidance updated to self-isolation period of 10 days.

17.12.2020 – The management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings guidance updated with information on to isolation periods and re-testing exemptions.

31.12.2020 – If you need to self-isolate or cannot attend work due to coronavirus first published providing guidance for employers and workers on work absences due to Covid-19.

18.01.2021 – The Supported living services during coronavirus guidance updated to reflect that if you have had close contact with someone who has Covid-19, you must self-isolate for 10 days.  For people in supported living arrangements, this 10-day period should increase to 14 days based on a risk assessment if the setting is considered high risk.

19.07.2021 – Press release announcing that frontline NHS and social care staff can attend work rather than self-isolate with testing mitigations in exceptional circumstances under updated guidance.

19.07.2021 – The management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings guidance updated with additional information about fully vaccinated staff who have been identified as contacts attending work in exceptional circumstances.

02.08.2021 – Covid-19: management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings guidance updated in section 2.5 to clarify the risk-assessment process and an additional mitigation for staff to avoid working with clinically extremely vulnerable individuals.

08.08.2021 – Providing practical support for people self-isolating guidance published for local authorities and the voluntary and community sector, setting out expectations for how funding for self-isolation practical support should be spent.

12.08.2021 – Guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person guidance updated in line with changes to self-isolation for contacts from 16 August.  Also, COVID-19: management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings updated.

23.08.2021 – The management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings guidance updated with information on referring to organisational guidance if and where this applies.


For general details about staying safe, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

Cyber Security:
19.10.2020 – The Charity Commission warned charities and the public to protect themselves against fraudsters amid the pandemic.  The charities watchdog is warning trustees and donors to strengthen defences as it fears the pandemic has created environments that are enabling charity fraud.

Domestic Abuse:
ACAS has useful Working from home information on their website about how employers can support employees experiencing domestic abuse.  Also, read the recent article Domestic abuse: a workplace issue written by ACAS Policy Adviser, Simone Cheng, which explores this topic further.

Information Governance:
NHS Covid-19 information governance advice for the social care sector.

Information sharing:
The Information Commissioner’s Office has set out its regulatory approach during the coronavirus.  The Information Commissioner has said that she cannot envisage taking action against a health or care professional clearly trying to act to save lives; ‘you should use your common sense to do the best thing for your service users and people in your care’.


For general details about staying well, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

Annual Health Checks:
16.09.2020 – Skills for Care are offering a free webinar on Annual Health Checks on from 11am to 12:30pm via Zoom.

App for Care Workers:
A new dedicated app has been launched for the adult social care workforce to support staff through the coronavirus.  Care workers get access to guidance, learning resources, discounts and other support all in one place.

Assessment and Management of Suspected Cases:
09.11.2020 – The Covid-19: guidance for health professionals has been updated with the addition of a section on investigation and management of travellers returning from Denmark and their household contacts.

16.06.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): bereavement scheme for family members of NHS and health and social care workers guidance updated to clarify that, in exceptional and compelling circumstances, wider family members may also be granted ILR and consideration may also be given to those whose permission has expired.

Building Resilience:
Skills for Care has published: Building Your Own Resilience, Health and Wellbeing.

Employers Risk Assessments:
The approach Aspire has taken is to have an overarching organisational risk assessment, building specific risk assessments and individual risk assessments for each member of staff.  You can find links to each of these below and are free to use and amend as you see fit (we can supply word versions of the pdfs if required):

Public Health England have launched a national campaign for health and social care workers to get a flu vaccination.  There are leaflets, posters, guides and resource packs available.

Health & Safety Executive:
The Health and Safety Executive is a government agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare. The HSE website has helpful information and advice and is the site to go to for ensuring you have everything in place. For employers and anyone with H&S responsibilities there is their one stop shop.

HSE’s Weekly Digest eBulletin of 18.06.2020 includes advice on using PPE as well as advice on using face coverings and face masks during the coronavirus outbreak. They have also issued advice on protecting vulnerable workers: supporting people to return to work safely and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Working Safely.

Long Covid:
Increasing medical evidence and patient testimony is showing that a small but significant minority of people who contract Covid cannot shake off the effects of the virus months after initially falling ill – also known as ‘Long Covid’.  The purpose of Long Covid: a briefing note for partners is to help:

  • raise awareness of Long Covid
  • ask for community intelligence
  • determine if partners are seeing an increase in service  

05.05.2021 – ACAS have produced some advice for employers on sickness and absence due to long covid which can be found here.

Mental Health & Wellbeing:
A wide range of support is available for individuals who work in the care sector looking for mental wellbeing and health support/resources.  Should you need immediate support, you can contact – round the clock – one-to-one mental health support for social care workers:

  • Text FRONTLINE to 85258 for a text conversation, or
  • call 116 123 for a phone conversation.

Mindwell Leeds has a useful coronavirus mental health information hub with resources, videos and information to help people in Leeds take care of their mental health at this challenging time. To mark Mental Health Awareness Week in May 2020, Mindwell Leeds published a Week of Kindness Planner with downloadable resources and suggestions for each daily focus.

11.05.2020 – Guidance published on Covid-19: health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce. This guidance provides advice for those working in adult social care on managing our mental health and how employers can take care of the well-being of staff during the coronavirus outbreak.

09.12.2020 – Coronavirus: health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce updated to reflect current guidance on health and wellbeing and the new local tier restrictions.

19.04.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce provides advice for those working in adult social care on managing your mental health and how employers can take care of the wellbeing of their staff during the coronavirus outbreak.  The guidance has been updated to reflect that people are no longer being advised to shield, that the CARE Workforce app is now closed, and the changes made as part of ‘Step 2’ of the government’s ‘COVID-19 response – spring 2021’ roadmap. Also added a link to the Skills for Care Workforce Wellbeing Resource Finder.

17.05.2021 – Coronavirus: health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce updated with information about the Money Advice Service.

19.05.2021 – Coronavirus: health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce updated to reflect the changes made as part of ‘Step 3’ of the government’s ‘COVID-19 response – spring 2021’ roadmap.

Mindful Employer:
We all need to be hardwired to look after the well-being of our staff – they are truly our only asset – and we need to look after each other through this and better times.  The Mindful Employer weekly bulletin for 2nd April 2020 is devoted to coronavirus and staff wellbeing.

Oral Care:
06.08.2020 – This guidance on mouth care for hospitalised patients with confirmed or suspected covid-19 is helpful for those of us providing care in settings where people need support with oral hygiene.

Psychological First Aid:
21.02.2021 – Public Health English (PHE) has developed and launched its new Psychological First Aid training.  This is available for those supporting children and young people affected by coronavirus.

Psychological Support for Frontline Staff:
Staff and volunteers at the forefront of the coronavirus response across England can access a new Psychological First Aid training course from 15th June 2020.  There is also information accessible via the Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Network about psychological support for care staff.

Reducing Health Inequalities:
11.2020 – The Reducing health inequalities associated with Covid-19: A framework for healthcare providers was launched recently. This framework offers principles for a population health level approach to understanding and taking action on health inequalities which have developed or worsened as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. It focuses on what trusts can do, working as part of an integrated health and care system, to review, describe, prioritise and further develop their role in addressing health inequalities during response and recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and as part of their wider work to meet the needs to their local population. Leeds gets a mention in it too. Also, there is a support pack available.

The Samaritans are offering a support line for social care staff at this difficult time.  All calls to the confidential support service are answered by trained Samaritans volunteers.  They’re on hand to support you when you’ve had a tough day, are feeling worried or overwhelmed, or just have a lot on your mind.  They’ll listen without judgement, so you can talk to them about anything that’s troubling you.  And if you need any other help, they can point you in the direction of other useful sources of support.  A friendly voice and a chance to talk things through could help you feel better after a busy shift or at the end of a long working day, so you can continue to help look after others.

When you’re finding things tough, Samaritans are there to listen.  You can call the free confidential support line on 0800 069 6222.  The service is open seven days a week, 7am to 11pm, including over Christmas.

Spotting Serious Illness & Sepsis:
Read an overview of spotting serious illness and sepsis on the AHSN Network website.  Also, there are two NHS short films explaining the soft signs of deterioration and recognising deterioration with a learning disability.

Vaccine – Covid-19:
18.06.2020 – The government has announced that it is to prioritise health and social care workers and the most vulnerable people when a vaccine is found.  The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation advises priority vaccination of the following groups:

  • frontline health and social care workers
  • those at increased risk of serious disease and death from Covid-19 infection stratified according to age and risk factors

04.12.2020 – A letter from the Minister for Care to local authorities, directors of adult social services and managers of care homes for older adults  about the Covid-19 vaccinations and care homes: programme launch.

04.12.2020 – Also, Covid-19 vaccination programme guidance for healthcare practitioners published.

07.12.2020 – Covid-19 vaccination: guide for healthcare workers published, which includes references to those in social care, and a Covid-19 vaccination: for social care staff.  Other publications include: a Covid-19 vaccination: consent form and letter for healthcare workers and Covid-19 vaccination: care home and healthcare settings posters.

For further information on the priority groups as defined by central government, please follow this link.

It has been confirmed that easy read publications are in development.

08.12.2020 – Covid-19 vaccinations and Care Homes: Programme Launch.  Applicable to all Care Homes.

The national vaccine programme begins today and that as part of this work Leeds City Council, working with our NHS and community and voluntary sector partners, will be writing to you directly requesting support on a number of actions to enable effective roll-out of the vaccine.  We will also share regular updates and information on the vaccine programme as it progresses over the winter months, please look out for these important updates.

The letter available here outlines the Government’s plans for getting the first vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) to care home staff from the first day that vaccinations are available.  It sets out the actions that local authorities and care providers should take in the coming days.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisations (JCVI) confirmed on Wednesday, in its advice on priority groups for vaccination1, that adult social care is in its top priority groups.  Group 1 is ‘Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers’ and Group 2 includes ‘Frontline health and social care workers.’

Further information for care homes preparing for vaccinations is given below:

08.12.2020 – Covid-19 vaccination: consent form and letter templates for adults who are able to consent.

09.12.2020 – Statement by Dr. June Raine, Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency on the guidance to vaccination centres on managing allergic reactions following Covid-19 vaccination with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

14.12.2020 – Covid-19 vaccination: care home and healthcare settings posters promotional material updated: added revised first phase poster and links to ‘Get ready’ and vaccination session posters.

14.12.2020 – Covid-19 vaccination: consent form and letter templates for adults who are able to consent forms updated: added open source and MS Word versions of the adult consent form.

17.12.2020 – Covid-19 vaccination: consent form and letters for care home residents updated to include open source versions and ‘best interest’ information on holding page.  Also, Covid-19 vaccination: consent form and letter for healthcare workers forms and Covid-19 vaccination: consent form and letter for social care staff updated: added open source and MS Word versions of the consent form.

17.12.2020 – A short video has been produced to promote the uptake across the social care workforce of the Covid-19 vaccine.

21.12.2020 – LCC have received intelligence from the Health Protection Team that flu vaccine uptake levels are low this winter.  There is concern that some people might think they can just have the Covid vaccination and that will protect them from both viruses.  This is unfortunately not the case.  Also, there is the added pressure that the two vaccines have to be given 7 days apart so we need to get people vaccinated with their flu vaccine now so that, when they are called for their Covid vaccine, there is no delay.

There is easy read information.  Please ensure that discussions have taken place/will take place as a matter of urgency within all of your services with respect to service users having the flu vaccine and take any necessary actions, i.e. capacity assessments and best interest decisions written up for individuals lacking capacity on this matter.

22.12.2020 – Leeds City Council has published a number of general FAQs regarding the NHS vaccine on the Care Quality team website.  There’s also a set of Q&As further down the same page targeted towards providers.  Please make this information available to staff, residents and families as appropriate.

31.12.2020 – Covid-19 vaccination: a guide for social care staff guidance updated with information about vaccination during pregnancy and scheduling for second dose.  Also, new consent form for frontline social care workers added to the Coronavirus vaccination consent form and letter templates for social care staff.

06.01.2021 – Frontline health and care staff have been identified as a priority group to receive the Covid vaccine.  Forum Central are working with our local health and care colleagues to establish the mechanism for frontline Third Sector workers to book vaccines.  This will be in the next few weeks and will target those frontline workers who are actively working to support older people and people who are more vulnerable to Covid.  Forum Central will share details of how to access this as soon as they have it, but in the meantime, it would be helpful if you begin to collate names and contact details for your frontline workers to be put forward.

The prioritisation request for workers will be in the order below:

  • Clinically Extremely Vulnerable staff
  • Over 50s in frontline patient facing roles (organisations to determine which services/roles are highest priority)
  • 16-49s in frontline patient facing roles (organisations to determine which services/roles are highest priority)
  • All other over 50s
  • All other 18-49s

Information about the vaccine can be found on the Leeds CCG pages: Covid-19 vaccine.  A DHSC video covering some of the most frequently asked questions has been published on YouTube and can be found here.

06.01.2021 – The Covid-19 vaccine will be one of the best ways of protecting yourself and starting to get back on the path to normality.  Healthcare workers, social care workers and care home staff will get the free MHRA approved vaccine. Resources for the campaign are available on the Campaign Resource Centre to be shared across your channels and networks locally.  These include:

08.01.2021 – The Moderna vaccine becomes the third Covid-19 vaccine approved by regulators.  It really feels on the ground that vaccination levels are starting to ramp up on scale for care workers.

15.01.2021 – The Covid-19 vaccination: a guide for social care staff guidance updated with the addition of a leaflet in Hindi.

18.01.2021 – The Covid-19 vaccination: a guide for social care staff guidance updated with the addition of leaflets in Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati and Punjabi.

19.01.2021 – New Elland Road vaccination site opens for health and social care frontline staff.  Please note vaccination slots are prioritised for staff offering personal care or close personal support.  Appointments are available with the opening of the new Elland Road vaccination site starting 20th January alongside some available slots at the Thackray Museum.  Travel instructions to the Elland Road site can be found here.   If you would like to receive the vaccine you can click this link to book an appointment at either site.  Further details.

20.01.2021 – A letter from the Minister for Social Care to local authority chief executives and directors of adult social services care providers published outlining plans for getting the Covid-19 vaccine to social care workers based in the community.

25.01.2021 – Kurdish and Urdu leaflets added to the Covid-19 vaccination: a guide for social care staff.

26.01.2021 – Covid-19 vaccination: consent form and letter for social care staff updated. Frontline social care letter template updated and information on use of consent forms.

29.01.2021 – We have had confirmation of the new Staff Vaccination Booking Helpline.  This is a staffed helpline for staff having problems booking their vaccines via the NHS website.  Helpline number: 0113 206 0593.

05.02.2021 – NHS and social care staff: check if a Covid-19 patient has attorney or deputy guidance updated with information about searching on behalf of patients for Covid-19 vaccinations.

10.02.2021 – Documents related to the new Covid-19 Vaccination Programme – Covid-19 vaccination training slide set updated.

11.02.2021 – Updated priority group poster added to Covid-19 vaccination: care home and healthcare settings posters.

20.02.2021 – An easy-read consent form for adults added to the documents related to the Covid-19 vaccination programme together with a vaccine product information poster.

02.03.2021 – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust held a Vaccine Q&A session and the YouTube link for this can be found here.

10.03.2021 – Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT) is offering vaccination appointments at The Mount, Woodhouse, Leeds for health and care workers, including those working in the Third Sector.  To book an appointment, email or phone 0113 855 8866 from 9am – 7pm.  There is also a leaflet regarding this offer.  Also, a new vaccination clinic starts at the Bilal Centre today.

10.03.2021 – If anyone would like to share their experience of having the vaccine at Elland Road or Thackray, they can do this by filling in a short survey.

10.03.2021 – Leeds CCG has answered questions and key information and resources about the vaccine on their page.  Also, please be aware of possible scams.  More information about this can be found here.

The CCG are looking at doing some lamppost banners which will be good for some neighbourhoods (Chapeltown, Harehills, Roundhay Road, Bramley and Seacroft) with images of local people, i.e. Arthur France, Dr Amal Paul and Alison Lowe.  The purpose of these images will be to encourage local people to take up their vaccine when invited and the language will change so it fits the community.  It would be great to get people from the Eastern European community (Romanian, Polish, Lithuanian, Slovak).  If you can put them in touch with someone the CCG will make the connection.  The are hoping that some of the children and young people they are working with for the vaccine confidence will want to have their photo on the lamppost banners and become community champions.  If you are able to get involved then contact

12.03.2021 – Letter from Matt Hancock, Health and Social Care Secretary, to the JCVI in response to their further advice on vaccination of homeless people and rough sleepers, prisoners and prison officers and the extended dosing strategy.

17.03.2021 – The Community Learning Disability Service (CLDT) in Leeds can support service users who are struggling to access the vaccination centres or their GP practice for their Covid vaccination.  CLDT can also offer support with issues around needle phobia, capacity and best interest decisions as well as appropriate reasonable adjustments.  Referrals can be submitted via LYPFT’s CLDT referral form which can be found here.  NB: if the person is already open to the community learning disability team, please do not make a second referral but speak with the person’s care coordinator who will undertake the referral.

11.03.2021 – Slides from the Homecare Providers recent presentation can be found here.  These can be shared with others in your organisation who would like more information about the vaccine.  There are also some other useful links below, including to BSL and easy read information:

Also, there is useful information about the vaccines from the Migrant Information Hub:

09.04.2021 – ***Please use the following process for booking staff COVID vaccinations ***

Use the national booking system or 119 number for any staff over 50.  The National Booking Service can be accessed via:  or by phone: 119.

Use the local booking link any staff under 50.  The local booking system can be found via  For anyone who is struggling to use the local online booking system can book using this number 0113 20 69624 .  We only have a very small team answering the call and so ask that we encourage front-line staff to use the link first.

The staff booking system is only open to eligible front-line health and social care staff and therefore the link and number are not for sharing with other people.

As with the current process, staff will need to provide proof of employment.  This can be done by using a photo staff ID.  If one is not available, then a recent letter from their employer, along with a form of photo identification will be needed.   Frontline social care workers should also be encouraged to inform their employers of their vaccination to enable this to be included in data returns to help us target support where needed.

Please note:

  • That you can only be vaccinated if you have not been positive with Covid-19 within the last 28 days
  • Have had no other vaccinations in the last 7 days (including the flu vaccine)
  • Each time slot is only for one member of staff, do not bring friends or children to the appointment.
  • Staff can only be vaccinated if they have booked on via the online form.
  • Staff should allow circa 30 minutes in total for the vaccination (they will need to remain on site for 15 minutes following the vaccination).
  • Please wear clothing which has loose or no sleeves and which is easy to move aside so vaccinating staff can carry out the vaccination without delay .
  • As we are trying our best to vaccinate as many staff as possible, it’s really important that colleagues do attend the slots that are booked.  If for any reason they are unable to attend, there is a cancellation option online.  Please also let your manager know.

If you have any problems please ring: Dianne Colley, Vaccination Programme, on 07891 279037.

12.04.2021 – The Vaccine Bus is operational Tuesday-Friday 10am- 3.00pm at the following sites on the following dates:

Week Commencing Location Bus Site
13 – 16 Apr Chapeltown BAME Wellbeing Hub (formerly Fredrick Hurdle Day Centre)
20 – 23 Apr Holbeck Meynell Approach, Adjacent to St Matthew’s Church
27 – 30 Apr Gipton Foundry Lane – venue tbc
04 – 07 May Little London tbc

16.06.2021 – The government announced in a press release that people working in CQC-registered care homes will need to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated with both doses under a new law to protect residents.

12.07.2021 – COVID-19 vaccination: guide for employers published providing information for employers about the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

13.07.2021 – BBC article covering the fact that MPs have passed legislation to make it mandatory for staff and tradespeople to have vaccinations in order to be deployed in Care Homes in England.

16.07.2021 – Consensus statement by the Social Care Working Group (SCWG) estimating the minimum level of vaccine coverage in care home settings, March 2021.  This paper was released as part of a batch of SAGE documents today.

04.08.2021 – Vaccination of people working or deployed in care homes: operational guidance
published.  From 11 November 2021, anyone working or volunteering in a care home will need to be fully vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19), unless exempt.

16.08.2021 – Added translations of the Vaccination of people working or deployed in care homes: operational guidance.


12.2020 – There is a programme of free 4-month supply of daily supplements of Vitamin D from January 2021 for all adults who are clinically extremely vulnerable to support general health and in particular for bone and muscle health.  If an individual, including those in care homes, would like to opt-in to receive a free supply of Vitamin D, they will need to register their details before 4 January 2021.

More information including for care homes can be found here.

Information on conditions which make people clinically extremely vulnerable can be found here.

It is recommended that care homes consult GPs for individuals before applying and ensure Mental Capacity Assessments cover medication.  For any queries around Mental Capacity Assessments/Best Interest Decisions or if you would like an awareness session for your staff on how to complete MCAs/BI, email

23.03.2021 – Skills for Care has launched this easy tool to help social care workers quickly find trusted resources to support their own or others wellbeing. There’s an overwhelming number of resources, support and help available. This simple tool holds different resources suited to social care from our national trusted partners. Whether you’re looking for self-help, support for others, needing someone to talk with confidentially or support with mental health, the results filtering system gives the user a few choices to reduce time and energy searching for resources.  The resource finder is here.


For general sources of support, information and resources please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

Adult Social Care:
15.04.2020 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult social care guidance first published.

19.05.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult social care guidance updated to add section and links on COVID-19 testing in adult social care settings.

20.05.2021 – Press release announcing a new award to recognise exceptional practice in adult social care workforce.  The exceptional efforts of the social care workforce will be recognised through a new award launched by the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care.

10.06.2021 – Experimental Monthly statistics for adult social care (England) have been published on a range of topics including infection control measures, COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for COVID-19 in adult social care settings.

08.07.2021 – Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: July 2021 published.

03.08.2021 – Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: July 2021 updated.  A revised set of tables for infection control, PPE and staffing levels has been published due to an error that was previously in tables 7 to 9 for the response rates relating to 1 June 2021.

Adults Integrated Commissioning:
05.03.2021 – We do know that there have been questions raised about the vaccines, so information with clear facts has been produced and is available to all providers which includes:

  • Frequently asked questions and information in various languages and accessible formats, short videos and information on the vaccine, Facebook Live recording with health professionals from Leeds talking about the vaccines and Covid, all of which are available here.
  • Webinar recording on ‘Want to know more about Covid vaccines’ with supporting information which is available here.
  • Public Health specialists and the Infection Prevention and Control team (LCH) are delivering webinars about the Covid-19 vaccine:
    • Covid-19 and its impact
    • vaccine – the facts
    • vaccination programme roll-out
    • inequalities and vulnerable groups
    • barriers to access/concerns
    • how you can support the vaccination programme
    • further support and resources

There is a link to a recorded session which took place in early February here.

  • Frontline staff have come forward to help reassure communities that Covid-19 vaccines are safe, effective and have been independently tested to the highest standards.  NHS staff have recorded messages in some of the most commonly spoken languages to help ensure messages about the importance of getting a Covid-19 vaccine reach communities seeking information.  They explain how the vaccine is given and give clear evidence that the vaccines work and are safe.  It is hoped that the videos will be shared among friends, families, faith and community groups via WhatsApp, text message and on social media.  These messages can be accessed through the government pages.

If you are needing any further information to answer queries from staff, please use the above links or contact your contract officer who can link you to the right information source.  Alternatively, if you have an approach which worked well with your staff teams and has helped them access the vaccine, we would be delighted to hear from you with details.  Please contact us and share your success.

Care Provider Updates:
Leeds City Council’s care provider coronavirus updates have some helpful messages of where to get support for staff.

25.03.2021 – Director of Public Health Statement including:

  • road map out of lockdown
  • Covid vaccination programme
  • national visiting guidance & testing of visitors
  • community transmission

08.04.2021 – The latest CCG and council provider bulletin from the Care Quality team can be found here together with an archive of previous bulletins.

Care Quality Team:
Leeds City Council’s Care Quality Team always have good information, resources and often run helpful sessions for managers.

23.03.2021 – The Care Quality Team is hosting a ‘What’s changed’ coffee session which will be in the format of a 45-minute presentation by the team covering as many of the changes that have happened recently followed by a Q&A session.  They will cover changes to regulation, visiting, CQC inspections, accessing primary care and support, government policy, digital in care homes etc.  If you have any specific areas you would like the team to cover, please let them know.  the session will be on Thursday, 25th March from 13:30 to 14:30.  Please use the Eventbrite link here to book a place and a link will be sent closer to the meeting time.

23.03.2021 – Coffee Catch-up for Care Homes.  The Care Quality Team in LCC is hosting a “What’s changed” coffee session which will be in the format of a 45-minute presentation by the team covering as many of the changes that have happened recently followed by a Q&A session. We’ll cover changes to regulation, visiting, CQC inspections, accessing primary care and support, government policy, digital in care homes etc. If you have any specific areas you would like us to cover please let us know at The session will be on Thursday 25th March 13:30 to 14:30. Please use the Eventbrite link here to book a place and a link will be sent closer to the meeting time.

Charity Commission:
03.06.2020 – For those of you running charities as CEOs or Board Members, the Charity Commission still want to know about any serious incidents that occur during the coronavirus pandemic.

Communities of Interest (COI) Network:
10.03.2021 – As always, this week’s email includes a number of updates and resources for you to use and share with the other organisations you work with.  This page provides the latest advice and guidance from the Leeds Public Health team and signposts you to the relevant local services and resources.

07.04.2021 – This week’s updates provide the latest advice and guidance from the Leeds Public Health team and signposts you to the relevant local services and resources.

14.05.2021 – This page provides the latest advice and guidance from the Leeds Public Health team, and signposts you to the relevant local services and resources.  Also, please find the COI meeting (5 May) session notes here and you can find the flashcard here.

COI want to make it as easy as possible for you to share your knowledge of what’s happening within communities, the challenges you’re facing as an organisation and the successes you’ve achieved. If you have information you would like to share with us, before our next meeting, please use the ‘Share your knowledge’  button on our website.

Please forward this email to anyone who you think would benefit from these updates. Anyone who doesn’t currently receive these emails, but would like to in future weeks, can subscribe by emailing Thank you as always for your support with sharing these important messages.

Coronavirus Toolkit & Resources:
Leeds City Council has produced and shared a new toolkit to help partners share important key messages about coronavirus in Leeds.  The toolkit is hosted on Google Drive and so can be freely accessed by external (as well as internal) partners.  It includes a range of posters, graphics, social media posts and other resources created by the council and partners that can be downloaded and shared to help promote the most relevant key messages around prevention, testing and the range of support available to residents in Leeds.  It also includes a selection of Government-produced resources that can be shared to raise awareness of the current national restrictions.  A presentation includes an overview of the toolkit contents as well as instructions on how it can be used.  the toolkit is updated regularly with new or updated resources – please email if you would like to be notified of new resources and sign up to the mailing list for any updates.

Department of Health & Social Care:
05.03.2021 – The DHSC has released one of their regular updates to all providers.  The update includes:

  • a message from Helen Whately, Minister for Care
  • increased testing for extra care and supported living
  • a virtual visit by the Minister to a care home in West Yorkshire
  • finger on the pulse oximeter
  • UK strengthens ethical approach to international recruitment for health and care workers
  • moving towards seamless health and care
  • new animation guides to help prevent care home outbreaks.

Euro 2020:
01.07.2021 – NaCTSO (National Counter Terrorism Policing) has issued a briefing note: Crowd vigilance during Euro 2020, which gives information to businesses.  There is no specific intelligence to suggest there is a threat of terrorism to any planned footballing events.  As we emerge out of COVID-19 restrictions, they are asking businesses to remind their staff and customers to be vigilant.

Equality & Diversity:
11.03.2021 – A session on Embedding Equality & Diversity into Decision-making will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, 20th April, 2-4pm.  This is a briefing by Arfan Hanif from Touchstone on fundamentally re-thinking how to effectively prioritise and embed equality and diversity into everything that we do.  Arfan will provide advice and tips on how to practically bring about positive change and equality of outcomes in your organisations.  Members will be given the opportunity to share their thoughts and raise/ask questions.  Bookings can be made via email to:

Forum Central:
Forum Central is a network of health and social care third sector organisations in Leeds. Their website is full of some really useful information.  They share regular updates via email with some useful information; find their weekly bulletins here.  Anyone who does not currently receive these emails but would like to in future weeks, can subscribe by emailing:

Good Finance:
Good Finance have a useful webpage containing information, resources and tools designed to support charities and social enterprises navigating COVID-19.

Guidance for Local Government:
12.02.2021 – The Coronavirus: guidance for local government has been updated in the following sections: business and charity support, public health, schools and education, testing, vaccines and other.

17.02.2021 – The Coronavirus: guidance for local government has been updated in the following sections: housing, public health, local government finance and funding, schools and education, social care, testing and other.

05.03.2021 – The Coronavirus: guidance for local government has been updated with links to elections, public health and schools & education.

21.04.2021 – The Coronavirus: guidance for local government has been updated with links added to: Business and charity support; Compliance and enforcement; Council, public and community Buildings; National restrictions; Parks and public spaces; Public health; Schools and education; Social care; Testing; Travel; Vaccines; Other.

05.05.2021 – The Coronavirus: guidance for local government has been updated with links added to: Business and charity support; Council, public and community buildings; Funerals and care of the deceased; Public health; Schools and education; Social care; Testing; Vaccines; Other.

21.05.2021 – The Coronavirus: guidance for local government has been updated with the addition of links to: National restrictions; Public health; Schools and education; Social care; Testing; Travel; Vaccines.

07.06.2021 – The Coronavirus: guidance for local government has been updated with the addition of links to public health, schools and education, social care, testing, travel, vaccines, other.

Hate Crime:
11.03.2021 – Stop Hate UK are running two FREE training sessions.  The session will cover what is hate crime, its impact and barriers to reporting within organisations, what you can do (your options as a VCSE organisation and individual).  The sessions will be held on:

  • Thursday, 11th March, 2-3pm
  • Thursday, 25th March, 2-3pm

Sessions will be held via Zoom.  Bookings can be made via email to

Health & Wellbeing Board and the COI Network:
14.05.2021 -The new Allyship model between senior leaders and the COI network.  You can find the presentation here and an overview is:

  • Who and what is the H&WB?
  • A group of senior representatives across Leeds.
  • The ambition of the board: being a healthy and caring city for people of all ages
  • Meets about 8 times a year.
  • Want to connect with COI members because they recognise the impact of the organisations at a local level.
  • How organisation can get involved

Health Care Leaders Network:
07.04.2021 – Call out for new members.  The Network was launched in Summer 2016 and is comprised of leaders (Chief Executives and senior managers) who represent Forum Central member organisations delivering Health and Social Care services in Leeds.  The Network meets approx. every 8 weeks in an accessible venue (and on Zoom currently).

The aims of the Network are:

  • Identifying, sharing and promoting good practice across the third sector.
  • Making strong and positive connections across all sectors to encourage sharing of ideas, views and understanding.
  • Providing a safe space where leaders can meet to challenge the way in which services are delivered and explore new and collaborative delivery options.
  • Providing the latest information on emerging local and national health and social care agendas and issues, including policy briefings and guest speakers.
  • Being responsive to leaders’ needs.
  • Developing an atmosphere of trust, respect and mutuality.

To find out more about membership of the Network, look at the Forum Central website for more info or contact them on

How to Stay Calm in a Global Pandemic:
This free eBook is a helpful resource which you may want to share with your teams.

Leeds City Council Health & Social Care:
Website useful for local social care news and/or linking to resources for people with learning disabilities.  LCC Health and Social Care is also producing daily updates for providers with some really useful information.

Migrant Information Hub:
The aim of the Migrant Information Hub is to support staff across the city to be confident to be vaccinated and be protected from the virus which will help to:

  • reduce the spread of infection
  • reduce staff needing to be absent and the disruption this brings
  • reduces the risk of workers taking the virus home and spreading it to family members
  • reduces the risk to residents and users of services of becoming ill
  • reassures families and workers seeking new care providers

National Audit Office:
12.06.2020 – The NAO issued its report: ‘Readying the NHS and adult social care in England for COVID-19‘.  It is 69 pages long but we found pages 14, 18, 20 and 41 particularly interesting.

National Council for Voluntary Organisations:
The NCVO website has a lot of information that may be useful for voluntary organisations.

NHS e-mail:
The NHS is opening its secure email facility to organisations across the health and social care sector.  (See the documents section of this web page for the social care provider NHS mail sign up form.)

Overview of Adult Social Care Guidance:
25.08.2020 – The government has helpfully published an Overview of adult social care guidance on coronavirus which brings key information, guidance and support for adult social care providers into one place.

24.12.2020 – The overview guidance updated with information on how to order PPE in ‘Securing PPE and related supplies’ section.

13.01.2021 – The overview guidance updated to reflect the extension of the Infection Control Fund.

22.01.2021 – The overview guidance updated.  Under ‘What care homes and other social care settings must do during an outbreak’ and ‘Repeat testing’, updated the length of time that staff or residents who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 should not be included in testing to 90 days after either their initial onset of symptoms or their positive test result (if they were asymptomatic when tested).

01.04.2021 – The overview guidance updated to reflect that free COVID-19 PPE provision for the ASC sector has been extended to March 2022.

10.06.2021 – The Overview of adult social care guidance on coronavirus updated to include new information on funding for social care, defining and reporting outbreaks in social care, testing for recipients of social care, updating contact information for the NSDR, information for care staff and information on the capacity tracker.  We have also removed references to shielding and removed withdrawn guidance (such as redeploying workers and volunteers).

21.06.2021 – The overview guidance updated in line with changes in the ‘admissions and care of residents in care homes’ guidance.

23.06.2021 – The overview guidance updated in line with recent advice for outbreaks in care homes that contain cases of the Delta variant.

Parking Concessions:
02.08.2021 – COVID-19: parking concessions for health, care and volunteer workers published providing an update on the end of the government’s free council car parking scheme for health, care and volunteer workers.

Public Heath:
The Leeds Public Health team has a helpful webpage providing the latest advice and guidance plus signposts you to the relevant local services and resources.

14.12.2020 – Covid-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities in the private and social rented sectors guidance updated to provide further information on communal lounges in specialist sheltered and retirement housing and on canteens in extra-care housing.

Skills for Care:
There is some very helpful information about training during the pandemic on the Skills for Care website together with useful guidance about essential training. They also set up an advice line which is open to all Registered Managers.

23.03.2021 – Skills for Care has launched a workforce wellbeing resource finder.  This easy tool will help social care workers quickly find trusted resources to support their own or others wellbeing.  There’s an overwhelming number of resources, support and help available.  This simple tool holds different resources suited to social care from our national trusted partners.  Whether you are looking for self-help, support for others, needing someone to talk with confidentially or support with mental health, the results filtering system gives the user a few choices to reduce time and energy searching for resources.   The workforce wellbeing resource finder is here.

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE):
The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) provides training, consultancy, research and resources for the social care and health sectors. Their website is worth visiting for news and information in the world of social care.

Support Taskforce:
18.09.2020 – The Social Care Sector Covid-19 Support Taskforce report sets out the progress and learning from the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic in informing advice and recommendations to government and the social care sector.

Through the Maze:
Website useful for local social care news and/or linking to resources for people with learning disabilities.

Useful guidance for Trustees was issued on 7th April and updated on 26th June.  Also, Bates Wells has published Charity Trustee Duties:  A Coronavirus Guide.

UK Gov:
You will find all the latest coronavirus guidance on the website.

Utility Deals:
SEYH have introduced a new member: Utility Aid.  They specialise in providing not-for-profit organisations with gas and electricity, souring at the lowest possible cost for those that need it the most.  There’s absolutely no obligation but, if you’d like to find out more, you can simply click and one of their experienced Energy Specialists will be in touch to explain how they can help.

Covid-19 information and advice for voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations during the coronavirus outbreak.

Voluntary Action Leeds:
Another useful website for local social care news and/or linking to resources for people with learning disabilities.


For general details about surveys/consultations please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

Changes to Charging in Adult Social Care:
29.04.2021 – Forum Central members are invited to attend a briefing and feedback session on Thursday 6th May 1:00 – 2:30pm regarding two proposals developed by the Service Transformation team (Adults & Health) in Leeds City Council on possible changes to charging in Adult Social Care.

  1. To change ASC charging policy so that service users who are provided with more than one paid carer at the same time, when this is arranged by the Council, are asked to contribute towards the cost of all the paid carers present (within their affordability as based on their financial assessment). The majority of recipients of homecare are over the age of 65 (89.5%)
  2. To remove Maximum Assessed Contribution cap (the MAC cap) for non-residential services. This would mean that service users would be asked to pay the full amount that they are assessed as being able to afford (their Maximum Assessed Contribution), or else the total charge for all their services at the standard rates, whichever is lower. Based on our most recently available data this change would impact 58 clients. An additional 69 clients who are receiving 2 or more carers for homecare, would also be affected, if both proposals were to be adopted (total 127 clients). Of these 27 clients are in the Learning Disability Category.

For more detail and how to book on please use the link below:

Employment Services Survey:
10.06.2021 – The Learning Disability Employment Task Group has a pathways and skills development subgroup. The group would like to build a map and online listing of employment services offered in the city for young people and adults with disabilities, mental health conditions and other long term health conditions.  They have developed an online questionnaire that they would like as many people as possible to fill in – it can be found  HERE

Pulse Oximetry:
25.03.2021 – There’s still time to complete The National Institute of Health Research survey on your experiences of using pulse oximetry monitors with your residents. It’s open until 6 April and you can access the survey here.   There’s also a helpful letter here with more information.  Completing this survey isn’t a regulatory requirement and all answers will be anonymised. If you wish to find out more detail about this research, you can contact the study team.

Social Enterprise Yorkshire & Humberside have shared a couple of surveys that organisations have been sending out to staff and volunteers to assess their concerns about returning to the workplace: staff survey and health questionnaire.  You are free to use/adapt these to your own needs and, if you have any better examples, then please forward them to so she can share them with everyone.

Stopping Movement of Staff Between Care Settings:
The government wants your views on plans to minimise the risk of coronavirus infections by making residential and nursing care home providers restrict the movement of care staff. The consultation closes at midday on 23 November 2020.

20.11.2020 – An easy-read version of the consultation on whether movement of staff between care  settings should be restricted.

Vaccination of Staff:
14.04.2021 – The government is seeking your views on a proposal to make Covid-19 vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes.

21.05.2021 – The deadline for the consultation seeking your views on a proposal to make Covid-19 vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes has been extended to midday on 26th May 2021.

VCSE Resilience Survey:
14.05.2021 – Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL) have been working with Forum Central & other partners to launch a survey looking at the Resilience of the VCSE in Leeds. It is important that as many organisations, both large & small take part in this survey.

The data is being analysed by MoVE a partnership between the Universities of Sheffield, Hull and Leeds.  The reports from this survey will shape support services and will be shared with health, local authority and other partners.

They want to hear from you, please complete the survey here by 31 May 2021.

Third Sector Pandemic Response:
Voluntary and community sector partners across Yorkshire and Humberside, coordinated by Voluntary Action Leeds, are working together to gather information from voluntary groups and charity organisations about the critical role they are playing in the Covid-19 pandemic response. The follow-on sector resilience survey takes around 15-20 minutes to complete. (NB – this survey has now closed)

York St. John University:
19.01.2021 – A study is being undertaken by York St. John University which aims to find out how spaces used for support, activities and events have been changed, moved or closed in response to social distancing measures, and to explore what responses have and have not been successful.  The findings will be used to create a report around best practices as organisations move through the pandemic, and that identifies positive and enabling approaches that may have value once it has ended.  The researchers are seeking feedback either through a survey or interviews.  It is anticipated that these would take between 20-30 minutes.  Interviews can be held online (Zoom or Teams) or through telephone discussion.  There’s an information sheet.  Anyone interested in completing a survey can find it here.   Anyone interested in participating in an interview, please read the interview information form and ask them to contact:


For general details about covid-19 testing/test & trace or antibody/antigen testing, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

23.04.2020 – There is guidance Covid-19: guidance for taking swab samples and a very easy-to-follow video for care staff who have to take swabs as part of the testing process. Carers and nurses who will be swabbing residents in care homes should complete the online Care Home Swabbing Competency Assessment before carrying out swabbing.

We also have a template for Best Interest decisions regarding home testing where people lack capacity.  Just drop Andy Rawnsley an email if you would like this sending to you. On a positive note, testing may soon be less invasive if the new saliva testing trials being piloted in Southampton work out.

24.04.2020 – The Coronavirus: getting tested guidance updated.   Social care staff can be tested either by self-referral or employer-referral.  The guidance covers both routes, and we have good feedback, but please do not wait to book slots for staff or adult members of their household who are symptomatic.

There are 2 FAQs about the Coronavirus National Testing Programme:

If you didn’t pick it up in the news, testing is now available to social care staff who are asymptomatic as well as those who are symptomatic.

05.05.2020 – Leeds City Council and CCG has clarified the current and future position regarding coronavirus testing for the staff and residents of care homes.  “A programme will be rolled out in the next few days to provide access to testing for all staff and residents, regardless of whether they have symptoms of Covid-19.  There is no need to do anything as yet because you will be contacted when the programme is launched. In the meantime, should any residents display Covid-19 symptoms, you should contact your local Health Protection Team in the usual manner.  They will support you and organise testing for those symptomatic residents from the point you ring to notify (but not for any residents who become unwell after this point).  Should any staff display symptoms, they can access testing through the on-line portal on the website.”

11.05.20 – There is a new portal for testing in care homes though this is yet to be extended to domiciliary care providers. The new online portal makes it easy for care homes to arrange deliveries of coronavirus test kits. Care homes are also to benefit from targeted training support, but it is unclear yet as to whether this will be extended to domiciliary care/supported living services. For those of us who are supporting people to have a home test in a care home, there is a useful video tutorial with Dr. Sarah Jarvis.

27.05.2020 – The Test and Trace process will start in England on 28th May 2020 and the guidance on NHS Test and Trace in the workplace was published.

28.05.2020 – Guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus infection who do not live with the person was published.  It seemed clear in this publication that the “guidance does not include health care workers and others working in health and social care settings, who should follow the separate guidance Covid-19: management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings”.

31.05.2020 – The management of staff and exposed patients guidance was updated and made it clear that care workers are not exempt from test and trace.

02.06.2020 – The management of staff and exposed patients guidance was further updated including:

  • addition of information on implications of positive antibody result (introduction and section 4.3)
  • addition of guidance for staff who are notified that they are a contact of a co-worker who is a confirmed case (new section 4.4)
  • section on risk assessment for staff exposures amended to be a stand-alone section (new section 5)

This latest guidance states:

The NHS Test and Trace Service has been established to minimise community transmission of COVID-19.  It is designed to:

  • ensure that anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19 can quickly be tested to find out if they have the virus;
  • help trace close recent contacts of anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 and, if necessary, notify them that they should self-isolate at home to help stop the spread of the virus.

Therefore, if you (including healthcare workers) have had close recent contact with someone who has COVID-19, you must self-isolate if the NHS test and trace service advises you to do so.  Close contact excludes circumstances where PPE is being worn in accordance with current guidance on infection, prevent and control.  Refer to risk assessment for staff exposures in the workplace.

07.06.20 – The getting tested guidance updated with information and link to book a courier collection for used testing kits in care homes; replaced the guidance on Randox and non-Randox testing and extended testing.  Whilst it is certainly good news that tests are now offered to all care homes for elderly people and those with dementia, the tests have not yet been extended to all vulnerable people in care homes and other settings.

08.06.20 – The government announced that testing will now be available to all care homes, not just ones for older people and people with dementia.  They are also considering extending the same process to supported living and other care settings.  In advance of a national position being sorted, LCC has written to providers about what they need to do to get on an initial programme of testing for people in supported living in Leeds.

15.06.2020 – The NHS Test and Trace in the workplace guidance for employers updated about multiple outbreaks in the workplace. Now, if there is more than one case of COVID-19 associated with a workplace, employers should contact their local health protection team to report the suspected outbreak.  Find your local health protection team … they will:

  • undertake a risk assessment
  • provide public health advice
  • where necessary, establish a multi-agency incident management team to manage the outbreak

18.06.2020 – The Experimental statistics – weekly NHS test and trace bulletin, England: 28 May to 10 June 2020 published.

25.06.20 – Repeat testing for staff and residents in care homes to be offered.  This will be rolled out from week commencing 6th July 2020.

02.07.2020 – New guidance issued Maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace for people who run buildings requiring them to keep records of attendees.

06.07.20 – Two attachments to the getting tested guidance have been updated to reflect changes to the registration system for the testing kits: ‘guidance on Randox testing’ and ‘how to use Randox test kits’.

22.07.2020 – The NHS Test and Trace in the workplace guidance has been redrafted for clarity.  In addition, there is a new section on collecting customer and visitor data for NHS Test and Trace.  The following information has been added to the section headed ‘If a worker develops symptoms and orders a test’:

  • where an interaction between 2 people has taken place through a Perspex (or equivalent screen), this would not be considered sufficient contact.
  • contact tracers will not consider the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) as a mitigation when assessing whether a recent contact is likely to have risked transmitting the virus.

31.07.20 – The getting tested guidance has been updated to reflect that regular testing in care homes for people under 65 is to be rolled out: “the remaining CQC-registered adult care homes (for those aged under 65) will be able to register for retesting from 31st August”.  Two new attachments for care homes have also been added: ‘graphic summarising testing for care homes’ and ‘care home testing: information sheet for care providers’.

04.08.2020 – The management of staff and exposed patients guidance has been updated clarifying that care workers who use correct PPE do not need to self-isolate if contacted as a contact by Test & Trace people from having cared for Covid ‘patients’.  See section 4 which includes: “If health and social care staff are providing direct care to a patient or a resident with Covid-19 and are wearing the correct PPE in accordance with the current IPC guidance, they will not be considered as a contact for the purposes of contact and tracing and isolation, and will not be required to self-isolate for 14 days (the standards for PPE specification, fit testing and regimes of use for clinical and care activities will be agreed and delivered by organisations)…”

02.09.2020 – The Coronavirus: admission and care of people in care homes guidance for people who run care homes updated with the addition of a new section on how care homes can support the NHS Test and Trace service.

07.09.2020 – Antibody testing is now available for non-statutory care providers in Leeds.  Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will provide voluntary antibody testing for a range of staff including social care staff, community health and CCG, NHSE/I staff and staff from wider NHS national bodies in the Leeds area from 7th September 2020.

They will also make this testing available for social care staff in externally commissioned services.  It includes ALL staff, including those staff in partner organisations and agency staff that are related to social care and community services.  This is confirmed in the FAQs at Question BA2.

The testing will take place at Seacroft Hospital. Please carefully read the letter and FAQs (you’ll need to scroll down to ‘Covid-19 Antibody Testing – Community and Non-Hospital Based Staff’ and click on the link).

10.9.20 – The government issued a press release announcing that venues are now required by law to record contact details of people who use premises.  In summary premises and venues across England must have a system in place to record contact details of their customers, visitors and staff in the latest move to break the chains of transmission of coronavirus.

11.09.2020 – Businesses are being urged to download QR codes to prepare for the public rollout of a new NHS Test and Trace app.  The codes will enable customers to easily ‘check in’ to buildings when they enter.

14.09.2020 – Following publication of the recent guidance: Coronavirus antibody home test kit: taking a blood sample on antibody testing for NHS and care home staff, a video and guidance has also been published. The coronavirus: antibody testing guidance was also updated to reflect the launch of the new antibody testing service, which is currently restricted to care home workers in England and Wales.

14.09.2020 – The ‘maintaining records’ guidance has been updated with information for organisations on displaying an official NHS QR poster. Organisations should display the official posters at their venue entrances to help support contact tracing, making it quick and simple to use for both businesses and users.  Visitors should be asked to scan the QR code when they arrive, using the NHS COVID-19 app.  This is to help trace and stop the spread of coronavirus. Organisations should still maintain an alternative means to maintain contact details for people who do not have a smartphone or do not want to use the NHS Covid-19 app.  You should create and display a QR code if you are:

  • a business, place of worship or community organisation with a physical location that is open to the public;
  • an event which is taking place in a physical location.

If you have more than one venue you need to create a separate QR code for each location.  You can add multiple locations in the service.

17.09.2020 – The link in the antibody testing guidance to the antibody testing service has been removed and a statement has been added that DHSC is working directly with organisations in the adult social care sector in order to offer tests.

18.09.2020 – The requirement to maintain records to support Test and Trace becomes mandatory today.  This Privacy Notice for maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace describes how the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will process personal data from venues and establishments to support contact tracing.

21.09.2020 – LCC have set up an additional venue at the Mandela Centre, but with very limited availability. This walk-in site is available only for symptomatic key workers or their immediate families and primary school children.  As this site has been set-up by Leeds City Council, it is not available to book on the national system.  Please be aware that there may be a queue and wait time, and people may get turned away if there are indications of closing after 2pm, which affects deliveries to the lab.

24.09.2020 – Leeds City Council and Leeds Community Healthcare in partnership with LTHT labs have set up an additional test centre at Cinder Moor, Woodhouse Lane LS6 2NA.  This is back-up for those who are unable to get a local appointment through the national portal.  This site opened on Thursday 24th September and will be operational seven days a week 9am – 3:30pm. This service is for:

  • symptomatic teaching staff, health, social care and support workers
  • a member of their household that is symptomatic e.g. child (potential index case) that is causing the key worker to be off
  • this site is unable to accommodate school children, unless they are a child of a key worker

If you live outside Leeds but work for the above, you are still eligible for testing.

The first option for testing is the national portal, but if you have been unable to book a test through the national portal, then please call 07544 377547.  Once the time slots have been allocated for the day, an answer phone message will ask you to call back from 9am the following day. Due to capacity, people will need to arrive at their exact allocated time spot and will be encouraged to do their own swabs, but support can be provided if required.  Please remember to take keyworker ID, wear a face mask and bring hand sanitiser.  Results will go to the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Team rather than through the national system and a text message will be sent.  Please do not call for results, as soon as they are reported someone will be in touch.  If you require further advice you should go to the usual routes of contacting PHE, 111 or 999 if your symptoms deteriorate.

30.09.2020 – The NHS Test and Trace in the workplace guidance has been updated to reflect the launch of the Covid-19 app and how it should be used in the workplace.  Corrected the period that people are infectious to say ‘from 2 days before the person was symptomatic up to 10 days from onset of symptoms’. Also corrected an error that implied the NHS Covid-19 app is mandatory, which it is not.

01.10.2020 – The guidance on ‘antibody home test’ guidance updated with how to register for an antibody home testing kit and a video about how to do the home test once it arrives.  The guidance says it may take a few weeks for the testing kit to arrive.

26.10.2020 – The NHS Test and Trace in the workplace guidance for employers, businesses and workers has been updated to reflect employers’ legal duties around staff who are self-isolating.

26.10.2020 – Guidance published: Covid-19 and influenza point of care testing results covering how to report and the legal duties for providers of POCT.

05.11.2020 – Maintaining records to support NHS Test and Trace is mandatory for designated venues in certain sectors; they must have a system in place to request and record contact details of their customers, visitors and staff to help break the chains of transmission of Covid-19.  The Maintaining records of staff guidance has been updated with the national restrictions which start on 5 November 2020: “If your venue can stay open during this time, you must continue to follow the guidance on this page.  If your venue must close during this time, you must follow the guidance on this page when you’re allowed to reopen.”

06.11.2020 – Important improvements have been made to the 119 Coronavirus Testing Contact Centre.  The options that you will be asked when calling 119 have changed.  The way the 119 questions are structured will make the process quicker and clearer for your organisation to reach the specialist organisation testing team.  You should select the following options to be directed straight to the specialist organisation testing team, after calling 119:

  1. Select whether you’re calling from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland
  2. Select your language requirement for the call
  3. Select whether to hear what data is captured, or continue
  4. You will then hear the following options:
    “If you are calling because you have an upcoming hospital procedure, or from an organisation who receives test kits directly from the national testing programme, press 1, or press 2 to continue”.  Press ‘1’ for calling from an organisation who receives test kits.  That will get you straight through to the right team.

If you have any questions related to testing, delayed results or issues with couriers, or need additional test kits before you are able to place your next order, then please call the Coronavirus Testing Contact Centre on 119 (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or 0300 303 2713 (Scotland).  Lines are open from 7am-11pm daily.

09.11.2020 – The getting tested guidance updated which includes who is eligible for a test and how to get tested. The ‘graphic summarising testing for cafe homes’ has been updated with a version that reflects that individuals who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 should not be included in testing until after 90 days of their initial onset of symptoms or, if asymptomatic when tested, their positive test result.

19.11.2020 – The maintaining records for Test & Trace guidance has been updated.  Cinemas, concert venues and theatres have been added to the list of venues that must have a system in place to request and record contact details of their customers, visitors and staff.  Also clarified that indoor sports and leisure centres includes gyms.

20.11.2020 – The government has announced that care workers looking after people in their own homes (home care/domiciliary care) will be offered weekly coronavirus testing from Monday, 23rd November.  More information can be found hereCoronavirus testing for homecare workers was published setting out how homecare agencies in England can order regular tests for their homecare staff.

07.12.2020 – Covid-19 testing service for extra care and supported living settings published providing guidance on regular retesting and eligibility criteria.

09.12.2020 – NHS Test and Trace is making regular Covid-19 testing available to eligible extra care and supported living settings in England.  To be eligible for testing, extra care and supported living settings must meet both of the following criteria:

  1. be a closed community with substantial facilities shared between multiple people
  2. where most residents receive the kind of personal care that is CQC regulated (rather than help with cooking, cleaning and shopping

Please note: supported living providers are to use the self-referral portal route by using the ‘DHSC Referrer Unique Organisation Number’.  This can be found in the online guidance.

09.12.2020 – Coronavirus testing service for extra care and supported living settings updated to clarify use of the Unique Organisation Number on the self-referral portal.

10.12.2020 – The government has published further information and guidance on the use of lateral flow testing (LFT) in care homes.  The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will order test kits for your care home in December and send them to you automatically.  Please do not commence testing until 14 December 2020 when the online registration portal becomes available.  There is also clinical guidance for implementing the tests in care homes to support planning and risk assessment.

14.12.2020 – Coronavirus test kits for children’s homes published with guidance on when and how to test children and staff, including how to order more tests.

14.12.2020 – The getting tested guidance updated with the addition of links to lists of essential workers prioritised for testing in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

24.12.2020 – The getting tested guidance updated: added workers critical to EU transition under ‘List of essential workers and those prioritised for testing in England’.

17.01.2021 – Social care sector to receive £269 million to boost staff levels and lateral flow testing.  The funding is to protect and support staff and residents in care homes and those receiving help in their own homes.  New guidance published on the Adult Social Care Rapid Testing Fund.

25.01.2021 – The getting tested guidance updated: under ‘Documents for care homes using the online application portal’ added link to new guidance: Care home testing guidance for LFD self-testing at home.

28.01.2021 – New section on lateral flow device (LFD) testing in asymptomatic staff added to Covid-19: management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settingsGuidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus infection who do not live with the person updated to reflect legal duty for contacts to isolate following either a positive LFD or PCR test in a case, and additional detail added to ‘what is meant by a contact’ section.  Also, Covid-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection updated to reflect legal duty for the public to isolate following a positive LFD test and added information for staff being tested regularly in care homes, the NHS and schools.

01.02.2021 – Covid-19: rapid point of care (near-person) testing for service providers guidance published.  This is guidance for service providers on the use and management of Covid-19 rapid point of care (near-person) tests and actions to take.

02.02.2021 – The getting tested guidance updated: the attachment ‘Care home testing guidance for residents and staff: PCR and LFD (England)’ updated in the ‘Care homes’ section to remove references to tiers, update testing schedules and update the registration process for LFD barcodes.  Also, the NHS Test and Trace in the workplace guidance updated in the section on when to contact your local health protection team.

05.02.2021 – The getting tested guidance updated: under ‘documents for care homes using the online application portal’, updated ‘care home testing guidance for LFD self-testing at home’ to reflect a new registration process (the option to create user accounts when self-registering).

07.02.2021 – A new government drive launched to increase workplace testing in sectors open during lockdown, to detect coronavirus in people who are not showing symptoms.

10.02.2021 – The getting tested guidance updated with additional details on getting instructions on  home tests for the blind or visually impaired, and changed the length of time for lateral flow test results (from 2 hours to 30 minutes).

16.02.2021 – The getting tested guidance updated: under ‘Documents for care homes using the online application portal’ added ‘care home testing schedule for a suspected or confirmed outbreak (England)’ and updated ‘care home testing guidance for residents and staff: PCR and LFD (England)’ to reflect additional outbreak testing and 90-day testing window guidance.

18.02.2021 – Coronavirus testing for adult day care centre workers published setting out how open day care centres providing essential care in England an order weekly PCR testing for their staff.

19.02.2021 – Surge testing for new coronavirus variants guidance updated to include Norfolk County Council (areas in IP22), Metropolitan Borough of Sefton (Dukes and Cambridge wards), Southampton City Council (areas in SO15), Surrey City Council (areas in SO15), Walsall (Pleck ward) and Leeds City Council (areas in LS8 and LS9), and to reflect that Metropolitan Borough of Sefton (Norwood), London Borough of Haringey (N17), London Borough of Merton (Pollards Hill) and Walsall Council (in and near to the WS2) have completed surge testing.

23.02.2021 – The Getting tested guidance updated: under ‘documents for care homes using the online application portal’ renamed ‘care home testing guidance for residents and staff: PCR and LFD (England)’ to ‘care home testing guidance for residents and staff: PCR and rapid lateral flow (England)’ and updated it to reflect new guidance on return box tracking and updated sample swabbing instructions.

25.02.2021 – Essential workers prioritised for Covid-19 testing guidance published.  Also, Coronavirus testing service for extra care and supported living settings published.

10.03.2021 – There will be 3 sites offering the rapid testing programme for key workers:

  • Headingley Campus, Leeds Beckett University LS6 3QS (now open)
  • City Campus, Leeds Beckett University LS1 3HE (opens Tuesday, 9 March)
  • The Old Fire Station, Gipton LS9 6NL (opens Tuesday, 9 March)

More information about what people are considered key workers and frequently asked questions can be found here.

05.03.2021 –   Coronavirus (COVID-19) lateral flow testing in adult social care settings
published setting out how adult social care services can carry out rapid lateral flow tests on site.

05.03.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for homecare workers guidance, updated ‘A testing service for homecare workers in England’, to add that directly employed or self-employed personal assistants who provide care that requires them to come within 2 metres of the person they support and who support adults over the age of 18 are eligible for regular testing. Replaced ‘A testing service for homecare workers in England (PDF version)’ with latest version of document.

06.03.2021 – Press release:  All businesses in England are now able to sign up to the government’s free regular rapid COVID-19 workplace testing programme.

10.03.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for homecare workers guidance updated with the addition of a guide to registering test kits for homecare workers.

11.03.2021 – HTML attachment: ‘Testing for professionals visiting care homes’ added to Coronavirus (COVID-19) lateral flow testing in adult social care settings guidance.

17.03.2021 – Rapid testing for key workers at 3 new sites.  More information can be found here.

18.03.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for homecare workers guidance updated: ‘A testing service for homecare workers in England’ to reflect the addition of PAs to testing. Removed all translations of the summary poster.

09.04.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult day care centre workers sets out how open day care centres providing essential care in England can order weekly PCR testing for their staff.  The wording on the main page of the guidance has been updated to reflect current COVID-19 rules.

12.04.2021 -In the guidance Maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace the ‘Information to collect’ section has been updated to give clarity on how venues should ensure that a customer has checked in.

22.04.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for homecare workers guidance
updated, ‘A testing service for homecare workers in England (PDF version)’on page 5, to reflect that personal assistants in England can access regular testing.

22.04.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings outlines the COVID-19 testing available for testing staff, residents and visitors for all adult social care settings.  The guidance has been updated: added ‘On-site testing for adult social care services: rapid lateral flow test guide’, ‘Step-by-step guide for ASC staff to self-test using rapid lateral flow tests’ and ‘Rapid lateral flow testing in ASC settings: an overview’ guidance; added ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing: terms and conditions’ and ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) self-test for staff, service users and visitors in adult social care settings: privacy notice’; and added links to self-test instructions in alternative formats.

22.04.2021 – Supported living services during coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance updated to reflect the availability of self-testing for visitors.

22.04.2021 – A link has been added to the ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings’ page and ‘Testing for professionals visiting care homes’ section of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes guidance.

22.04.2021 – The guidance on regular retesting for extra care and supported living settings that meet the eligibility criteria has been updated: Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing service for extra care and supported living settings.  A link has been added to the ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings’ page and updated guidance to reflect the re-activation of the self-referral portal.

22.04.2021 – A link has been added to the ‘Coronavirus (Covid-19) testing for adult social care settings’ page of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for personal assistants guidance.

28.04.2021 – The Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes guidance updated to add ‘Visitors to adult social care settings: reporting rapid lateral flow tests at home’ guidance.

30.04.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult day care centre workers and service users updated to reflect that rapid lateral flow tests are now available to adult day care centre workers and service users.

10.05.2021 – We Offer Testing to our Staff (WOTTOS): endorsement scheme guidance published about a simple and free voluntary promotional scheme for firms who are participating in the government’s free coronavirus (COVID-19) workplace testing programme.

11.05.2021 – Press release announcing a new sticker scheme which will allow businesses to easily show they are testing their staff regularly.

14.05.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for homecare workers: information for agencies setting out how homecare agencies in England can order regular tests for their homecare (domiciliary care) staff.

17.05.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings guidance updated: ‘COVID-19 testing available for adult social care in England: a summary’ to reflect a reduction in the time required to determine the end of an outbreak in care homes, that extra care and supported living testing now includes visitors, the testing regime for day care centres has changed, personal assistants testing regime has been removed and universal testing is now offered. Renamed ‘Step-by-step guide for ASC staff to self-test using rapid lateral flow tests’ to ‘Self-test for adult social care services: detailed rapid lateral flow test guide’ and ‘Rapid lateral flow testing in ASC settings: an overview’ to ‘Self-test for ASC services: summary rapid LFT guide’.

20.05.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes guidance updated to reflect changes to end of outbreak testing and updated instructions on using the multiple upload spreadsheet, which can now be used to report both rapid lateral flow tests and PCR tests.

29.06.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings guidance updated ‘On-site testing for adult social care services: rapid lateral flow test guide’ and ‘Self-test for ASC services: summary rapid LFT guide’ to clarify how to report missing or damaged components in test kits and how to read results; and to reflect Scotland moving to 119. ‘Self-test for adult social care services: detailed rapid lateral flow test guide’ also updated to reflect Scotland moving to 119. Updated ‘Self-test for ASC services: summary rapid LFT guide’ to reflect IHP registration page update.

01.07.2021 -Both Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing service for extra care and supported living settings and Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult day care centre workers and service users guidance updated to reflect changes that coronavirus test results can now be uploaded in bulk.

05.07.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings guidance updated: ‘COVID-19 testing available for adult social care in England: a summary’ to reflect that policy for responding to the Delta variant (first identified in India) in care homes has now changed. As has been the case for the Alpha variant (first identified in Kent) cases since May 2021, for outbreaks involving the Delta variant, end of outbreak testing can now be undertaken 14 days (previously 28) after the most recent positive case. All positive cases should be treated as the Delta variant, unless proven otherwise.

07.07.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes guidance updated: ‘Care home COVID-19 testing guidance for regular and outbreak testing of staff and residents’ and ‘COVID-19 testing schedule for a suspected or confirmed outbreak in a care home’ to reflect that policy for responding to the Delta variant (first identified in India) in care homes has now changed. As has been the case for the Alpha variant (first identified in Kent) cases since May 2021, for outbreaks involving the Delta variant, end of outbreak testing can now be undertaken 14 days (previously 28) after the most recent positive case. All positive cases should be treated as the Delta variant, unless proven otherwise.

09.07.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings guidance updated PDF for ‘Self-test for ASC services: summary rapid LFT guide’.

20.07.2021 – Maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace guidance updated to give advice on how to know if a request from NHS Test and Trace is genuine. Also updated guidance on variants of concern.

03.08.2021 – NHS Test and Trace in the workplace guidance explains what to do if you or someone you employ is required to self-isolate. This includes being contacted by NHS Test and Trace, self-isolation rules and financial support.  The guidance has been updated to reflect the introduction of daily contact testing for workplaces.

09.08.2021 – Independent health providers can access lateral flow testing kits directly from NHS Test and Trace replacing the ordering route provided by NHS England and NHS Improvement.  The Independent health providers: accessing lateral flow tests guidance has been amended ‘A testing service for independent health providers in England’ to reflect that any member of staff who delivers NHS services in IHPs is eligible for testing. Also added 2 ‘How to take your lateral flow test’ posters.

27.08.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes guidance updated: ‘Care home COVID-19 testing guidance for regular and outbreak testing of staff and residents’ to reflect changes to self-isolation guidance that came into effect on 16 August 2021.  Also, Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult day care centre workers and service users updated in ‘Regular testing for adult day care centres in England’ on what constitutes a contact and the appropriate procedures in health and social care settings.

For general details about travel, please also refer to our Covid-19 General Information page.

Useful guidance from Community Transport Association including links to the most recent government guidance.

22.04.2021 – Quarantine arrangements for exempt nurses arriving from overseas provides guidance on what NHS trusts must do to provide managed quarantine accommodation for nurses arriving in England to work for the NHS if they’ve passed through red-list countries.


03.07.2020 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated with a new poster to reflect the one metre plus and any other mitigations.

28.09.2020 – The guidance on Working Safely in Care Homes and Working Safely in Domiciliary Care has been updated to include new guidance on the type of gloves to be worn when dealing with bodily fluids.

09.11.2020 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated to reflect the new restrictions in place from 5 November. Hospitality venues like restaurants, bars and pubs must close but can still provide takeaway and delivery services. Sale of alcohol is permitted via pre-order for collection or delivery services only. Anyone who can work from home should (section 1.1) and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals should not attend work if they cannot work from home for this period of restrictions (section 2.1).

21.12.2020 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated to reflect local restriction tiers and protecting people who are at higher risk.  Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals are strongly advised to work from home if they’re in Tier 4.  See the ‘What’s changed’ section for more information.

27.01.2021 – Statement jointly issued by the Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England, Care Quality Commission and the Association of Directors of Public health:

Under no circumstances should staff who have tested positive for Covid-19, regardless of whether they are displaying symptoms or not, work in a care setting until the legally required period of self-isolation has ended.  The national guidance is clear on this and applies equally to other periods of required isolation, for example being a household contact and quarantine periods associated with overseas travel.

Where the CQC has concerns, it will take swift regulatory action.  It will make the relevant adult safeguarding referral to be dealt with by the local authority under s42 of the Care Act.

Where providers are facing critical staffing shortages, local system partners including the local authority, CCG, wider NHS, PHE health protection team and local resilience forum, in discussion with local provider associations, should work together to ensure those providers can maintain continuity of care for their users of service.  This is to ensure the health and social care system works in the best interests of all.

We recognise the pressures and workforce challenges across social care and if the local system has come together and all options have been explored and discounted, this must be escalated within the local authority, and NHS.  The local authority should also notify the relevant DHSC regional lead.  Directors of Public Health and Directors of Adult Social Services must be involved to ensure the issue is resolved.

Staff who are off sick or are self-isolating should continue to be paid their full wages.  Employers are able to access funding for this purpose from the Infection Control Fund and local authorities will be looking to see that this is happening.

10.02.2021 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated.  Under Vehicles, added guidance on tests and vaccinations.

30.03.2021 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated with the addition of information on ventilation, tests and the roadmap setting out how covid-19 restrictions will be eased.

08.04.2021 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated.

10.04.2021 – The content of COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes guidance has been updated: Fluid-repellent (Type IIR) surgical mask section, Type II surgical mask section.

12.04.2021 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated to reflect that shops and branches, non-essential retail, can re-open.

14.04.2021 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance Performing arts section updated to reflect Step 2 of the roadmap.

17.05.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes guidance updated to clarify when to change face masks, difference between source control and PPE and updated section on waste including PPE.  Also, COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance updated with the addition of a note explaining that the infographics are being reviewed and will be updated shortly in line with the guidance.

18.05.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes guidance updated with the addition of a note explaining that the infographics are being reviewed and will be updated shortly in line with the guidance.

18.05.2021 – The Working Safely during Coronavirus guidance updated to reflect the move to Step 3 of the roadmap.

09.06.2021 – Infographics for putting on and taking off PPE updated in both COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes and COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance.

05.07.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance updated with addition of new section on use of PPE for live-in care workers.

16.07.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes guidance updated: reverted to previous version.

19.07.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance updated to reflect changes to guidance in Step 4 of the roadmap. Updated section on types of masks that can be used for domestic duties when 2 metres or more from the client.  Also COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes updated to reflect changes to guidance in Step 4 of the roadmap.

09.08.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance updated with inclusion of paragraph on what PPE to use when supporting an individual or client on visits out.

17.08.2021 – Both COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes and COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance updated in line with changes to self-isolation for contacts from 16 August.

19.08.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance updated with addition of a link to management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings.

26.08.2021 – COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England guidance further updated removing references to FFP2 and N95.

Aerosol Generating Procedure:
There have been some queries as to what an aerosol generating procedure is.  Now guidance is available: 6. Covid-19 infection prevention and control guidance: aerosol generating procedures.

18.06.2020 – The complete Covid-19: Guidance for the remobilisation of services within health and care settings was updated with clarification of aerosol generating procedures as was the Covid-19 personal protective equipment page.

21.08.2020 – The Covid-19 personal protective equipment guidance has updated headings on instruction sheets, in line with the written guidance, to include airborne precautions.

Cleaning in Non-healthcare Settings:
26.02.2020 – The Covid-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings outside the home guidance was published describing the principles of cleaning and disinfection during the coronavirus pandemic.

16.10.2020 – The cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance was updated with the addition of information on virus transmission and mitigations.

Cluster or Outbreak?
07.08.2020 – Public Health England has published its Covid-19: epidemiological definitions of outbreaks and clusters in particular settings guidance.

Covid-19 Secure:
11.05.2020 – A Staying Covid-19 Secure in 2020 notice to display to show you have made your workplace COVID-secure.

19.04.2021 – The notice to display to show you have made your workplace COVID-secure has been revised to add ventilation.  You may wish to update your notice to confirm that you’re following the latest guidance:  Staying COVID-secure notice

First Aid:
This HSE first aid guidance helps employers ensure that first aiders are confident that they can help someone injured or will at work during the coronavirus outbreak. If any organisations are needing to update their First Aid responder protocol, we have updated our First Aid Protocol to include not giving resus breaths during Covid which you may find useful.

28.09.2020 – the HSE first aid guidance has been updated with information about First Aid cover and qualifications during the pandemic.

Home Working:
The HSE has published Protect home workers guidance about making sure that employers keep an eye on the impact of home working on their staff. ACAS has also published advice to support staff working from home during the pandemic.

Infection Prevention & Control:
It is important that all care workers understand the principles of infection prevention and control, and that they continue to work strictly to these requirements.  Leeds City Council’s Care Quality Team has an Infection Control and Prevention page where you can find support and guidance.  You can also find local information on PPE on the Council’s dedicated webpage.

30.07.2020 – The government’s Guidance for stepdown of infection control precautions and discharging Covid-19 patients was updated to reflect changed in self-isolation policy for all patients admitted to hospital to 14 days. This guidance provides advice on appropriate infection prevention and control (IPC) precautions for COVID-19 patients recovering or recovered from COVID-19 and remaining in hospital, or being discharged to their own home or residential care.

Also, see the CQC section below under ‘Governance/Regulatory Compliance’ for their IPC guidance.

Helpful information has been shared from the Social Care Institute for Excellence via Leeds City Council’s regular update: Managing infection control is essential to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) for your setting or service.  As care providers, it’s likely you provide essential care and support to people who often require close contact.  This quick guide sets out best practice for care providers to remain safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19.  This resource is a dynamic set of practice examples with links to quality-checked guidance and resources and is designed to support care home and supported living staff to both find and share examples of COVID-19 related good practice.

16.09.2020 – An IPC highlights quick reference guide has been added to the Covid-19: infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance.

17.09.2020 – Care providers will be given an extra £546m to bolster infection control and help protect residents and staff throughout winter.

16.10.20 – The order of the document Covid-19: infection prevention and control (IPC) has been re-arranged and the section on definitions of outbreaks and clusters has been removed.

20.10.2020 – A dental appendix has been added to the Covid-19: infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance.

10.10.2020 – The Infection Prevention and Control Team from Leeds Community Health Care are hosting virtual training.  This is aimed at all staff who work in care homes and supported living settings (including carers, nurses, housekeepers and managers).  For training dates, further information and joining details, please click here.

18.12.2020 – The guidance for stepdown of infection control precautions within hospitals and discharging Covid-19 patients from hospital to home settings has been updated to include information on designated settings and exemption from re-testing.

21.01.2021 – The guidance Covid-19: infection prevention and control (IPC) updated with the addition of mental health appendix and title change for IPC guidance to ‘Guidance for maintaining services within health and care settings.’  Guidance amended to strengthen existing messaging and provide further clarity where needed, such as care pathways to recognise testing and exposure.

26.01.2021 – Here’s a link to some free sessions, open to all care home and supported living staff, on Infection Prevention Control from the good folk at St. Gemma’s.

15.04.2021 – The IPC highlight quick reference guide has been removed from the Covid-19: infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance.

28.04.2021 – If you need IPC advice including someone to discuss issues with such as outside visiting risk assessments,  or clarification with national IPC guidance (including PPE guidance), the IPC team are here to help you.  They understand care homes work as individual providers and sometimes need to discuss their thoughts with someone else who has helpful knowledge and experience.  Please contact the team on:  0113 0113 8434511 or

02.09.2021 – COVID-19: infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance updated to reflect that the standard isolation period advised for contacts of cases within inpatient settings is changed back from 10 to 14 days, in line with current healthcare guidance.

Kings Fund Bite-sized Guides:
The Covid-19 crisis is placing unprecedented pressure on leaders across the health and care system.   To support this community, the King’s Fund has created Leading Through Covid-19, a collection of bite-sized, quick-read practical guides and videos for health and social care leaders.  The Kings Fund is adding to the collection regularly.

Leading in Difficult Times:
Safe Space online has been recommended to us as a forum for leaders in health and social are who are leading in these difficult times.  Mike Chitty and colleagues have a series of online support sessions and, though there is a cost, this is ‘pay as you feel’.  Further information and details can be found at eventbrite.

Medical Devices:
11.11.2020 – Medical devices given exceptional use authorisations during the Covid-19 pandemic provides an updated list of manufacturers and their medical devices which have been granted an exemption by the MHRA and those that are no longer covered.

17.11.2020 – Updated list of Medical devices given exceptional use authorisations during the Covid-19 pandemic provides updated lists of devices covered by exceptional use derogations as well as those no longer covered.

15.07.2021 – Chadwick Lawrence have done an update here on the updated guidance relating to offices – which is worth 7 minutes of anyone’s time who is supporting people to safely return to offices.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
02.04.2020 – There is a really good video from Public Health England about how to put on and take off PPE.  This guide for care homes is applicable to supported living services too.

04.04.2020 – There is still a lag between the guidance issued by the government on the 2nd April about PPE usage in health and social care settings. (Tables 1, 2 and 4 seem to be the most relevant ones for our sector.)

13.04.2020 – North Yorkshire County Council has produced some really clear guidance which they’ve shared with health and social care providers about when to, and when not to, use enhanced PPE  (of which sections 5 and 6 are the most pertinent) together with a flowchart.  Both are well worth reading by any provider trying to make sense of the national guidance for the range of social care settings in which we all operate.

There is some helpful Public Health England guidance on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – resource for care workers working in care homes during sustained Covid-19 transmission in England (which is applicable to 24/7 supported living services) and which includes a couple of helpful case examples.

14.04.2020 – Leeds City Council has reconfirmed the 3-step purchase process for ordering PPE in Leeds:

  • continue to place your orders for PPE with your regular supplier
  • if you fail to secure your orders, contact the National Supply Disruption Response 24/7 helpline on 0800 915 9964 and complete the recommended process
  • Once you have completed the previous steps, if supplies are at critical levels whereby staff and customer safety will be compromised, contact Leeds City Council via or through your contract managers.

14.04.2020 – Leeds updated its advice for care homes and community care staff in its position statement.  Essentially, the view is that we are in a period of sustained community transmission and therefore table 4 of the government guidance (issued 02.04.2020) should be followed.  This position statement can also be found on the Council’s website together with staff swabbing information and the purchase process.

16.04.2020 – We have published our Personal Protective Equipment – Covid-19 Coronavirus Guidance for staff. This is in line with Leeds City Council’s current guidance in relation to protecting vulnerable people in all our care settings, care staff and the families of care staff who may be vulnerable.

22.06.2020 – a slight change in government guidance regarding PPE portal: how to order Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE).in respect of re-ordering emergency PPE stocks.  The change is that GPs and small social care providers can now place orders multiple times per week within the limits set out in the guidance instead of a singular order.

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has put a lot of useful information together about the use of PPE in the workplace.

21.07.2020 – Following the recent update on the wearing of masks in care homes and domiciliary care, here is our updated guidance should anyone want to beg steal or borrow this: Aspire PPE Staff Guidance Table.

31.07.2020 – Personal Protective Equiment (PPE) illustrated guide for community and social care settings is a really helpful guide for staff.

01.08.2020 – Leeds City Council’s PPE hub will relocate on Thursday, 6th and Friday, 7th August 2020.  They will only deliver PPE in urgent situations to care delivery services on Thursday, 6th August and no PPE deliveries will be made on Friday, 7th August.  Normal services will resume on Monday, 10th August and LCC has apologised for any inconvenience this may cause.

03.08.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance has been extended to pharmacies and larger social care providers to top up their existing suppliers.  This is only available to organisations that have received an email inviting them to register.  There has also been an update to the amount of visors that GPs, domiciliary care providers and residential care homes can order.  The customer service team opening hours are now 7am to 7pm.

10.08.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated stating that hand hygiene items can now be ordered.

24.08.2020 – As of today the Local Resilience Force (LRF) PPE supply has been discontinued.  There are no longer any supplies held by Leeds City Council to be distributed to care providers.  The government has set up the national PPE ordering portal that you will be invited to register for.  This will be the replacement for the LRF PPE supplies.  You are welcome to continue to purchase your PPE from Leeds City Council, at cost price, using the PPE order form (version 4.2).  The process remains the same if this is your preferred option.

14.09.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated – Type II masks have been added to the list of items that can be ordered and updated order limits for GPs and social care providers.

15.09.2020 – For those of you who like data, the government has published its experimental statistics showing the personal protective equipment distributed for use by health and social care services in England from 7 September to 13 September 2020.

17.09.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated. Domiciliary care providers with 50 or more clients and residential care homes with 50 or more beds can now order one box of visors (usually 200 per box) per week.

21.09.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated. Eligible providers can now use the portal to order PPE for Covid-19 requirements, rather than as an emergency top-up system (which is great news!).

28.09.2020 – The Department of Health and Social Care published its Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Strategy.

01.10.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated. Updated order limit information for all sectors to reflect recent increases and removed order information on type II masks.

05.10.2020 – We have had verbal feedback from PHE that they are starting to advise that it is good practice in care settings to wear visors/goggles in addition to masks whenever care staff come within 2 metres of those in their care.  Also there is newish guidance about using nitrile gloves rather than vinyl ones when dealing with bodily fluids.

07.10.2020 – The recently announced decision that vinyl gloves could not be used in Care Homes or Domiciliary Care when providing personal care is now being reviewed by the Government and will be updated shortly.

20.10.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated. Eligible health and social care providers can order PPE through the portal to meet the increased need that has arisen as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

23.10.2020 – New guidance published: Personal protective equipment (PPE): local contacts for care providers giving a list of local contacts for care providers to use who are not on the PPE portal. Providers can get PPE through their local authority or local resilience forum.

26.10.2020 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated. Updated order limits for domiciliary care providers and residential care homes – some allowances have been increased.

02.11.2020 – The Government has completed its review on the use of gloves and updated the How to Work Safely in Domiciliary Care and How to Work Safely in Care Homes guidance accordingly.

05.11.2020 – Guidance on the PPE ordering portal updated:

  • updated order limit information for all sectors to reflect changes to visor orders;
  • updated order limit information for GPs, domiciliary care providers, residential care homes, dentists, orthodontists, community drug and alcohol services and residential drug and alcohol services to reflect recent increases;
  • added FFP mask order limits for dentists and orthodontists.

16.11.2020 – Guidance on the PPE ordering portal updated. Order limits for domiciliary care providers and children’s residential special schools updated. It looks like you now get fewer large bottles of hand sanitiser but can order smaller bottles, which are probably better for staff.

19.11.2020 – Guidance on the PPE ordering portal updated.  Information on order limits for children’s care homes and residential special schools, dentists and orthodontists updated.

04.12.2020 – Guidance on the PPE ordering portal updated – updated order limits for domiciliary care providers.

12.2020 – The PPE hub will close for Christmas.  It will finish processing orders at 11:30am on 24th December 2020.  The last deliveries will be at 1pm on 24th December.  The PPE hub will re-open at 8am on Monday, 4th January 2021.  Please order 2-weeks supply of PPE in the week commencing 21st December 2020.

Emergency packs of PPE, with very limited amounts, will be available should you need them.  If you find yourself in a critical situation, please call 07712 106121.  You will be asked a series of questions to establish your needs and a few details for a delivery will also be taken.

Opening Times

09.12.2020 – Guidance on the PPE ordering portal updated with order limits for the Christmas period plus a video about using the portal added.

12.2020 – Leeds City Council is taking part in a 2 month pilot with the Department of Health and Social Care to provide unpaid carers with PPE.  Unpaid carers are people who look after a relative or friend who otherwise couldn’t manage without their help.  This may be because of illness, frailty, disability, a mental health need or an addiction.  Some unpaid carers will live with the person they care for, while other unpaid carers will live in a different household to the person they care for.

The pilot will help the Department of Health and Social Care to better understand likely demand from unpaid carers for PPE and how best to distribute it, as well as informing decisions as to whether the pilot continues beyond the initial two months.

Unpaid carers will need to complete an order form and may need some help and advice in terms of what PPE they need.  Once the order form has been received, the unpaid carer will be contacted to discuss their order.  Delivery will then be within 72 hours.  Unpaid carers will receive the PPE free of charge.  An order form for PPE for unpaid carers can be found here.

14.12.2020 – Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care guidance updated on PPE supply.  Added guidance about residential settings, including information about visits from social care workers and visitors.

16.12.2020 – PPE portal updated with increased order limits for GPs, domiciliary care providers, pharmacies, dentists, orthodontists, optometrists, community drug and alcohol services, and residential drug and alcohol services.

16.12.2020 – PPE reimbursement for non-hospital providers guidance published which sets out the process for reimbursing non-hospital care providers for personal protective equipment (PPE) bought as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

11.01.2021 – Both Coronavirus: support for care homes and Coronavirus: providing home care guidance updated to reflect the extension of free PPE until the end of June 2021.

11.01.2021 – The PPE portal has updated order limits for domiciliary care providers, residential care homes and children’s residential special schools to include FFP masks and gowns.  For domiciliary care providers and residential care homes, these items are available to providers that carry out aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs).

09.02.2021 – The PPE portal has been updated with the addition of small bottles of hand hygiene to the order limits for domiciliary care providers.

01.04.2021 – The documents attached in Technical specifications for personal protective equipment (PPE) define the technical and regulatory standards for PPE.  Guidance updated with the addition of a new attachment: ‘Transparent face mask technical specification’.

06.04.2021 – How to Work Safely in Domiciliary Care and How to Work Safely in Care Homes guidance both updated introducing recommendations to change PPE after each episode of personal care, and new recommendations around use of eye protection when delivering personal care within 2 metres.

20.04.2021 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated; added ‘nitrile’ to gloves for all providers, and ‘vinyl gloves’ to domiciliary care providers and residential care homes. Removed ‘boxes of small hand hygiene’ from domiciliary care providers.

27.04.2021 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance has updated order limits for domiciliary care providers, residential care homes, dentists, orthodontists, residential special schools, and non-residential special schools (which conduct aerosol-generating procedures); addition of visors to the order limits for pharmacies.

18.05.2021 – The national PPE ordering portal guidance updated with the addition of information on small hand hygiene order limits for domiciliary care providers.

18.05.2021 – Government response from the Department of Health and Social Care to a PPE contract legal challenge from Good Law project on whether the Government acted lawfully in awarding specific personal protective equipment (PPE) contracts.

09.06.2021 – Personal Protective Equiment (PPE) illustrated guide for community and social care settings has an updated PPE guide.

10.06.2021 – HSE have issued guidance on the use of PPE and: risk of heat stress.

06.07.2021 – Use of PPE in education, childcare and children’s social care guidance updated: added ‘The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)’ for use in Step 4. We have removed sector information on the controls measures and included information on the use of personal protective equipment, including for aerosol generating procedures.

20.07.2021 – Use of PPE in education, childcare and children’s social care guidance updated: removed Step 3 guidance and updated Step 4 guidance to remove (applies from Step 4) from the title.

PPE Suppliers:
For those of you who are looking to source reasonably priced PPE with a good quality of service from a local supplier at Aspire we use BAWA Med and the contact is Raj.  Other suppliers include Beaucare and Trevor Iles.

23.10.2020 – A list of PPE: local contacts for care providers who are not on the PPE portal published. Providers can get PPE through their local authority or local resilience forum.

14.12.2020 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): local contacts for providers updated with contact details for Calderdale.

11.01.2021 – PPE: local contacts for care providers not on the PPE portal updated to reflect providers can get PPE through their local authority or local resilience forum.

09.02.2021 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): local contacts for providers updated: added ‘extra-resident unpaid carers’ as a sector and added to several local authorities on the list.  Also added ‘education (and childcare) services’ to Brighton and Hove, Southend-on-Sea and Wirral.  Updated email addresses for Hampshire county, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton and Torbay.

Pregnant Employees:
26.02.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for pregnant employees: the link to RCOG and RCM guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy updated. Under ‘Background’, added that the government has published the ‘COVID-19 response – Spring 2021’ setting out the roadmap out of the current lockdown for England, and that from 8 March some of the rules on what you can and cannot do will be changing.

29.03.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for pregnant employees updated background information section in guidance to include information on the next stage of the roadmap.

21.06.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for pregnant employees guidance updated to remove reference to pregnant woman being considered ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’.

Reducing/Mitigating Risk:
18.11.2020 – Coronavirus: reducing risk in adult social care is a framework for how adult social care employers should assess and reduce risk to their workforce during the coronavirus pandemic.  The guidance has been updated to include new clinical advice.  The easy-read and translated versions have been removed pending up-to-date documents being created.

20.11.2020 – Consensus statement from Public Health England, the Health & Safety Executive and the Faculty of Occupational Medicine – Covid-19: mitigation of risks in occupational settings with a focus on ethnic minority groups.

Supporting Clinically Vulnerable Workers:
The HSE has issued guidance for protecting vulnerable workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Advance Care Planning:
21.05.2020 – St. Gemma’s and Wakefield Hospice have been working together to develop a virtual training package for care workers on Advance Care Planning (ACP) and conversation skills.  Today they ran two live sessions, including a presentation and videos from the education hub leads, followed by an interactive Q&A session with participants.

Following the training a package of resources has been developed for carers working within domiciliary care services and care homes during Covid-19.  These introduce ACP and support staff in developing the skills and confidence to have conversations with residents about their future care wishes.  These resources are based on the training package that was being rolled out using face-to-face cascade training prior to Covid-19.  As this model cannot currently be used due to social distancing requirements, the package has been developed to provide interim support and training during the pandemic.  It can be accessed remotely and at a time to suit the learner.

Advance Care Planning & Communication Skills:
10.12.2020 – Applicable to those with direct experience of this client group, see the flyer giving details and booking form for the next free training sessions, now available online.  There are three dates for the training and it is also available to book via St. Gemma’s website.

Coronavirus Awareness:
The British Assessment Bureau has an e-learning Coronavirus Awareness course.

Covid-19 Transmission & Infection Control:
20.03.2020 – Health Education England have organised a series of free 2-hour webinar training sessions which will take place on dates between 26th March and 2nd April 2020.

Flu Immunisation:
05.08.2020 – Flu immunisation training recommendations guidance published with information about flu immunisation training to support healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Health & Safety:
Virtual College have some H&S online training resources, including an Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control.

Infection Control & Prevention:
At Aspire we are happy to sign up your staff – free of charge – to a one hour online Infection Control course via Social Care TV (unless you have loads of staff, in which case it would be good to get costs reimbursed!).  The training is aimed at care homes, but the principles are sound even if you are not running a care home.  If you want to take up this offer, just get in touch.

The Infection Prevention & Control Team are hosting updated virtual training aimed at all staff who work in care homes and supported living settings (including carers, nurses, housekeepers and managers).  Training will include testing/swabbing, visiting care homes, donning and doffing PPE, hand hygiene, Test and Trace and a questions and answer session.

Remaining sessions are:
14 December, 2:30-3:30pm
21 December, 2:30-3:30pm
However, more courses are being planned for January 2021.  Further information can be found here.

Learning Disability Awareness Training:
21.07.2021 – Connect in the North (CITN) is running a short course that has been developed by people with learning disabilities.  The training will be via Zoom from 10:00am – 11:15 am.  It covers:

  • What is a learning disability
  • The respectful language to use
  •  How to communicate better with people in conversations
  • How to make information easier to understand

To book on the course people can email .

LCC Courses:
10.11.2020 – There are a lot of places available on all courses throughout November. More courses (webinars) have been added this month including:

  • Improving Nutritional Care for Older People Living in Their Own Home
  • Improving Nutritional Care for Older People Living in Care Homes
  • Personal Care With Dignity

See the training directory for available courses. You can also request a copy:

05.05.2021 – Leeds City Council organisational development team have released their new external training calendar for April 2021 – September 2021 which can be accessed herePlaces are available on all courses in May which can be viewed and booked via PALs:  You can register for the PALs system by e mailing  Once registered you can access the system here

Older People and Covid-19:
10.12.2020 – Applicable to all those working with older people, a webinar on Proactive and Preventative Approaches in over 60’s will be held on Friday, 18th December 2020 from 11am-12:30pm.  This webinar will focus on how we can minimise harm and promote positive mental and physical wellbeing with those aged 60 and over.  The session will cover:

  • Older peoples experiences during Covid-19
  • Key messages for people aged 60 and above, their family and their friends
  • Resources to support proactive, compassionate, conversations
  • Signposting opportunities and resources

You can book to join the session here.

Social Care:
Also, there is a lot of online training at Social Care TV

03.03.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): taxis and PHVs guidance updated.  Updated risk assessment guidance for drivers considering installing a safety screen in their vehicle.  Also, added Coronavirus: safety screens for taxis and PHVs guidance to Vehicle safety standards information sheets

13.11.2020 – Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance aims to help organisations and groups understand how to safely and effectively involve volunteers during the pandemic.

Waste Disposal:
The latest guidance Coronavirus (COVID-19): Disposing of Waste, includes links to previous guidance for care settings on waste disposal.  If you do not have offensive waste bins or use a specialist PPE waste disposal company, used PPE should be double-bagged, stored for 72 hours and put in a black bin (never recycled).

05.03.2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19): disposing of waste guidance updating on how to dispose of your personal or business waste, including face coverings, personal protective equipment (PPE) and from lateral flow tests, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Documents :

Identifying Critical Key Workers

Letter from LCC Adults and Health advising social care providers to identify their critical key workers who may require exemption from some of the restrictions put in place in response to coronavirus.

Critical Key Worker Letter Template

LCC template letter for use by social care providers for staff identified as critical key workers during the pandemic

Covid-19 Transmission & Infection Control Training

Training has been commissioned by Health Education England and information about the training dates that are available can be found here.

NHS Mail Sign-up Form

NHS-mail sign up form for social care providers

Coronavirus and Staff Wellbeing

Leeds Mindful Employer Network weekly bulletin (2nd April 2020) packed full of information and resources in respect of coronavirus and staff wellbeing

COVID-19 Poster for Care Homes

Public Health England’s poster regarding the identification and management of outbreaks of COVID-19 in care/residential homes

Leeds Position Statement on PPE – v.4

Version 4 of Leeds’ Covid-19 PPE position statement for Care Home and Community Care staff issued 14/04/2020

How to Safely Remove Your Disposable Gloves

Globus Healthcare poster

Putting On and Removing PPE

NHS Scotland best practice poster

Letter to the Care Sector

Department of Health letter about the supply and distribution of PPE

PPE and It’s Use

Operational guidance for the use of PPE during the Covid-19 response published by North Yorkshire County Council on 13th April 2020

PPE and It’s Use – Flowchart

Appendix 1 to the operational guidance for the use of PPE during the Covid-19 response published by North Yorkshire County Council on 13th April 2020

COVID-19 Testing in Social Care – 27 April 2020

Joint letter from the Department of Health & Social Care and Public Health England providing further information on COVID-19 testing in respect of:

  • social care staff
  • people resident in a social care setting (at the point of outbreak and upon admission)

The letter includes an Adult Social Care sector stakeholder Q & A.

FAQs for Essential Workers

Useful information for essential workers about the Coronavirus National Testing Programme – published by HM Government and the NHS.

FAQs for Employers of Essential Workers

Useful information about the Coronavirus National Testing Programme for employers supporting essential workers who have coronavirus-like symptoms  – published by HM Government and the NHS.

Deaths of Employees and Volunteers

The Department of Health & Social Care has instigated a process for local authorities and social care providers to report deaths from Covid-19 of employees and volunteers.  This letter explains the process for information DHSC.

Aspire Organisational Risk Assessment

Word version of Aspire’s Organisational Risk Assessment (v.8).

Aspire Covid-19 Secure Site Example Workplace Photos

Example photos to accompany Aspire’s Covid-19 Secure Site Specific Risk Assessment.

Aspire Covid-19 Individual Risk Assessment

Aspire example Covid-19 individual staff member wellbeing risk assessment form.

SEYH Staff Survey

A survey shared by Social Enterprise Yorkshire & Humberside to assess staff members and volunteers’ concerns about returning to the workplace.

SEYH Staff Health Questionnaire

A survey shared by Social Enterprise Yorkshire & Humberside to assess staff and volunteers’ concerns about returning to the workplace.

Coronavirus Test Tutorial for Care Homes

Useful video, with Dr. Sarah Jarvis, for people who are supporting people in care homes to have a home Coronavirus test.


Our Plan to Rebuild

Easy read version of the UK Government’s recovery strategy: the plan to get back to normal.

Shielding in Leeds

Slides providing information and routes to support to assist anyone working with people in Leeds who may have been advised to shield due to their clinical risk to Covid-19.

Family Visit Risk Assessment

Irish Health Service – Framework for resumption of adult disability day services

Covid-19 supported living pre-admission guidance

Activity/Outings Assessment Form

Covid Response – Questionnaire for Partners

Each year we undertake surveys of the people who use our service, their family carers, staff and a wide range of other stakeholders.

This year we have changed the survey to focus on Aspire’s response and performance during the Coronavirus Pandemic.  If you work for one of Aspire ‘s partner organisations, completing the survey is your opportunity to share your opinions and comments with us.

We appreciate that it can be a chore completing annual questionnaires, particularly in these challenging times, but the feedback we receive from you is invaluable; it enables us to check the quality and effectiveness of the service we provide. It also helps us identify any areas where we could make improvements to enhance the lives of the people we support.

The survey is being conducted online using Survey Monkey. If you are a representative of a partner organisation, we invite you to complete the survey by clicking on the link below:

Partner Satisfaction Survey

Please complete the survey by 16th November 2020.

If you have any questions, queries or just require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact

Patient Transport Service (PTS)

Non-emergency Patient Transport Service (PTS) Update.  Letter dated November 2020 from Chris Dexter, Managing Director of PTS, detailing the changes to booking non-emergency patient transport.

Covid Response – Questionnaire for Partners

Each year we undertake surveys of the people who use our service, their family carers, staff and a wide range of other stakeholders.  We are undertaking a further Partner Satisfaction Survey here at Aspire.

Again we have focused the survey on Aspire’s response and performance during the Coronavirus Pandemic and this is your opportunity to share your opinions and comments with us.

The Partner Satisfaction Survey is being conducted online using Survey Monkey and can be accessed here

We understand that it can be a chore undertaking questionnaires, particularly in these challenging times. However, we would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this short survey. The feedback we receive from you is invaluable; it enables us to check the quality and effectiveness of the service we provide. It also helps us identify any areas where we could make improvements to enhance the lives of the people we support.

If you have any questions, queries or just require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Janet ( on 0113 378 1921.

The closing date for completion of the survey is Thursday, 30th September 2021.