
Careers & Volunteers : Vacancies

Non-Executive Directors/Co-opted Board sub-committee advisory members


We are Hiring!


Non-Executive Directors/Co-opted Board sub-committee advisory members

Organisation – Aspire Community Benefit Society

Contract Type – Community voluntary roles (expenses only)


Who We Are:


We are a vibrant, staff-led, community benefit society and social enterprise, who provide care and support for more than 700 adults with a learning disability across Leeds. With a staff team of over 850, we support people to live independent fulfilling, enriching, varied lives wherever possible.


Aspire are in an exciting period of development!


Our new 5 year strategy Our Future which can be found here and the accompanying film can be seen here, articulates a bold and ambitious evolution for the organisation. We therefore need some additional expertise to join our existing Board/Sub committees, to help us on this journey.


As a member of the Board you will contribute to the development of Aspire’s strategic direction, provide independent advice, challenge and support to the Chair & Chief Executive, drawing on your skills, knowledge and experience to contribute constructively as a Board/sub-committee member.


The Roles:


We are seeking to recruit a number roles, including up to 2 Non-executive Directors. Should we receive high interest in this advert, we can also offer co-opted roles to our sub-committees, to strengthen the expertise, advice and guidance to our main Board of Directors.


These roles provide an exciting opportunity to play a key part within a social enterprise and making a positive difference to the lives of people with a learning disability in Leeds.


The Candidates:


Non-executive Directors/Chair require no specific qualifications. Applications are sought from members of the community and those with expert knowledge in a relevant field.

We are particularly interested to hear from professionals with expertise in the fields of

  • Learning Disability Health & Social Care Sector
  • Digital or Technical expertise
  • Social Enterprise, Business Development/Strategic Growth in the 3rd


You will have strong communication, team-working and interpersonal skills and be able to demonstrate that you will contribute effectively at Board level.




NED positions are for a period of up to three years on rotation with the possibility of an extension.  It is a non-remunerated role but you will be able to claim reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. The Board and sub committees will probably meet 4-6 times a year during the day, this is currently under review.


Expressions of Interest:


For further information and how to express your interest please read the Board of Director’s Briefing Pack and submit a short Personal Statement.


For an informal discussion prior to submission, please ring Marc Barnes on 0113 535 3535.

Should you wish to discuss the roles in more detail or for confidential enquiry please contact

Zoe Bawn, Chief Executive on 07891 274743


Aspire value different perspectives, skills and experiences. We’re striving to create a diverse and inclusive working culture where everyone can succeed. That’s why we welcome applications from all groups and backgrounds


Our current Non-Executive Directors are underrepresented by female and members of the BAME community and Aspire would welcome applications from those candidates.


Completed application forms should be returned to: Aspire Community Benefit Society, Westfield Chambers, Lower Wortley Road, Leeds LS12 4PX and envelopes marked ‘Non-Executive Director/Board Advisory Vacancy’.


Application forms can also be e-mailed to with the subject heading ‘Non-Executive Director/Co-opted Vacancy’. Interviews will be convened by the existing Chair of the Board and Chief Executive.

Director Briefing Pack

Personal Statement Form

Non-executive Director Online Advert

If you are interested in applying please submit an application form to: Marc Barnes

0113 3781025

By post / hand delivery
Aspire Community Benefit Society
Unit 2 Westfield Chambers
Lower Wortley Road
Leeds LS12 4PX