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Customer Awards 2019

April 8th, 2019

This year the theme is ‘magic’ and it will be truly magical to take the time to nominate someone for one of the categories:

  • Adventurer of the Year Award
  • Active Award
  • Creative Award
  • Friendship Award
  • Inspirational Person Award
  • Smile Award
  • Customer Choice Award*
  • Award for Achievement

*Anyone, including friends, family and support workers can make a nomination to all categories except the Customer Choice Award. Only people with a learning disability can make a nomination to this category.

Please provide as much information as you can to help the judges make their decisions.

Everyone who is short-listed will receive a special invitation to attend the magical Awards Ceremony. This will take place on Thursday, 20th June.

You can download the nomination pack by clicking on the link below but hurry …. your completed nominations must be in by Wednesday, 1st May 2019.